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Olivia Solon

Olivia Solon

Olivia Solon is a journalist based in San Francisco, California. She writes about technology, science, startups and digital culture. [1]


Solon graduated from the University of Oxford with a degree in Spanish and philosophy. She went on to attend Goldsmiths, University of London, where she received a Master's degree in journalism.


She had held senior editorial roles at Wired UK, Mirror.co.uk and Bloomberg Business Europe.

Her work has been published in The Guardian, New Scientist, Business Life, The Telegraph, Wired.com, FT.com, Elle, Glamour, Marketing Week, and Music Week.

Prior to working at Wired, she spent five years as a business journalist focusing on the media and marketing industries, with roles at MediaWeek, Media & Marketing and Cream.


Citation Linktwitter.comOlivia Solon on Twitter
Jun 27, 2018, 5:28 AM
Citation Linklinkedin.comOlivia Solon on LinkedIn
Jun 27, 2018, 5:30 AM
Citation Linktheguardian.comProfile on www.theguardian.com
Jun 27, 2018, 5:32 AM