Andrew McMurry better known as Nukazooka, is a Youtuber known for his action, gaming, humor and Lego videos. His YouTube channel which he collaborates with Seth McMurry has over 2,000,000 subscribers and over 624,912,305 views. The name Nukazooka came from the combination of a soft drink in the video game Fallout and the word Bazooka. [1] [2]
Early Life
Andrew McMurry was born on March 24, 1993 in Galax, Virginia and raised with brothers. [2]
He made his first video in July 2010.
Nukazooka has only made three LEGO videos, one is Marvel based. The first video is a LEGO CGI version of first person shooter games. The second video is a parody of Grand Theft Auto V. And the third one is LEGO Invasion! where Marvel Characters appear. The channel also features popular videos like "Real Life Super Mario" and "Minecraft: Zombie Attack." McMurry finds his inspiration from watching the channels Niko Pueringer and Sam Gorski's Corridor Digital. In 2019, he became a verified Brave (web browser). [1]