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Nany González

Nany González

Dominican-American MTV reality personality from The Real World: Las Vegas, the 25th season of the show which took place in 2011.

She was a Criminal Justice major at Jamestown Community College in hopes of pursuing a career as a parole officer.

She was an athlete and dancer for a semipro hockey team.

Her father was incarcerated before she was born and she never beat him.

Her mother previously suffered from crack addiction.

She was dating Jordan Berg for a number of years, on and off.

She found out that her father died in 2002 and that she had a brother and sister after hiring a private investigator.

She competed on the same season of The Real World as Dustin Zito.



Citation Linkfamousbirthdays.comProfile on Famous Birthdays
Mar 3, 2016, 1:10 AM