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MyEtherWallet (abbreviated as MEW) is an open source ​, JavaScript ​, client-side tool for generating Ethereum ​ wallets, and sending transactions. It gives people the ability to generate new wallets so people can store their Ether on private key ​ rather than on an exchange. This process happens entirely on one's computer, rather than on a server. Therefore, when you generate a new wallet, you are responsible for safely backing it up.


MyEtherWallet.com & MyEtherWallet CX are not "Web Wallet ​s". You do not create an account or give them your Ether to hold onto. All data is created on our computer/your browser, not their servers. It's not a website where you put your Ether and they store it for you. They just make it easy for you to save your wallet information in your browser/on your computer. Then they give you a place where you can access that information and do stuff with it. [1]​


Unable to See Tokens aka How to Add a Custom Token

Adding a new token / sending custom tokens / checking balance of tokens / seeing custom token / ERC-20

Any ERC-20 token can be added to your local MEW interface by following these instructions.

Make sure it isn't already in the list:

  1. Click the Orange "Show All Tokens" Button.

  2. Scroll and click the token you want to load, where it says "Click to Load".

  3. You can also use cmd/ctrl + f  to search for a token on the list more quickly.

  4. If you have a balance you won't have to load it again—it will automatically load in the future.

If your token is not on the list

via Ethplorer.io

  1. On the "send Ether & Tokens" page on MEW, click View Balance Only (Must use one of above options to send) and pasteÂyour address.

  2. In a new tab, go to Ethplorer.io

  3. Type in the name of the token into their search bar, or navigate to your address and click on the token's name from that page.

  4. At the very top on this page page is the address.

  5. Below that there is a field called "decimals", which is a number between 0 and 18.

  6. Back on MEW, click the Add Custom Token  button on the right sidebar.

  7. Paste the Address  from the top of the Ethplorer.io page

  8. Type in what you want to call it - the name or the symbol.

  9. Paste the Decimals  from Ethplorer.io.

  10. Click "Save".

🎉 You can now send your new token and see it's balance in the sidebar!

via Etherscan.io

  1. On the "send Ether & Tokens" page on MEW, click View Balance Only (Must use one of above options to send) and pasteÂyour address.

  2. In the sidebar, click the https://etherscan.io  link under Transaction History  or How to See your Tokens.

  3. Click the dropdown in the right-upper quadrant.

  4. It's labeled Token Tracker.

  5. Click the token that you aren't seeing on MEW.

  6. Copy the string next to Contact Address.

  7. Back on MEW, click the Add Custom Token  button on the right sidebar.

  8. Paste the Contact Address.

  9. Type in what you want to call it - the name or the symbol.

  10. Return to Etherscan.io.

  11. Look for the number (between 0 and 18) next to Token Decimals.

  12. Enter this under Decimals  on MEW.

  13. Click "Save"  on MEW.

🎉 You can now send your new token and see it's balance in the sidebar!

Removing Custom Tokens

To remove a custom token, click the little (-) icon next to your token.

This will remove it from the interface.

It is not deleting or removing the tokens themselves.

They are still safely in your wallet, we promise. ​


Citation Linkcryptocompare.comCryptocompare post
Feb 23, 2018, 10:53 AM
Citation Linkmyetherwallet.github.ioMEW Github knowledge base
Feb 23, 2018, 10:57 AM