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Mimo (app)

Mimo (app)

Mimo is an iOS app focused on helping anyone learn how to code anywhere they are. Anything from web development to app development can be learned within app. [2]


The main feature of the app is the easy way to get started learning code on any iOS-enabled device.

This can allow anyone to learn code on the go and at their own pace.

The app features different lessons that include learning to build iOS apps, websites, and learning coding languages such as Ruby. [2]


Citation Linkcrunchbase.comThe Mimo Crunchbase Profile
Jul 19, 2017, 4:29 AM
Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comAn image of the Mimo site.
Jul 19, 2017, 4:30 AM
Citation Linkgetmimo.comThe Mimo website.
Jun 28, 2017, 4:04 AM