Michael Isaacson (Professor)
Michael Isaacson (Professor)
Michael Isaacson studied Economics throughout his college career; he has a Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctor of Philosophy(Ph.D) degree in that field. For his PhD, he taught courses in macroeconomics, microeconomics, and statistics. His areas of focus include macroeconomic theory, economic methodology, and anticapitalist economic theories.
Mike has been active in anti-fascist and housing justice organizing.
He is a former associate editor at the New School Economic Review, a member of the Union for Radical Political Economics, and a member of the International Associal for Feminist Economics.
In 2017, he wrote a zine entitled You Can't Punch Every Single Nazi. Based on a workshop he gave on January 14, 2017, the paper was written specifically for those with family, colleagues, etc. the reader suspects are "developing "fascist politics." It also describes '14 Ways Nazis Look at You,' referring to the different manifestations one can manifest based on their ideologies; these ideologies solely refer to the right wing.
'Dead Cops' Tweets
Mike Isaacson's controversial dead cop tweet
On August 23, 2017, Isaacson posted a controversial tweet under Vulgar Economics condoning and speaking positively about the murder of police officers.
The full tweet is as follows:
Mike Isaacson's controversial dead cop tweet Some of y'all might think it sucks being an anti-fascist teaching at John Jay College but I think it's a privilege to teach future dead cops
Additional tweets have surfaced the internet under Mike Isaacson, as well, including:
I hope somehow Assata comes up in lecture so a student defends her saying she didn't kill a cop so I can say she probably did and it's good
What's even the point of a cop that isn't dead?
On September 14, 2017, The Hill
The justification [of the use of violence] is that Nazi Ideology*at its very core is founded onViolence