Melissa Click
Melissa Click
Melissa Click was an Assistant Professor of Journalism at University of Missouri.
[+] She is 45 years old.
Melissa earned her Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Her research interests include popular culture texts and audiences.
She is currently writing about 50 Shades of Grey, Lady Gaga's social media strategies, male fans of pop musicians, and class in reality television programming.
In January 2016, Melissa was charged with assault for obstructing student reporter Tim Tai [9]during campus demonstrations.
Following the controversy, in addition to receiving multiple death threats, the Missouri State Legislature recently filed a petition requesting her immediate removal.
Click was also caught in another video cursing at a cop during student protests.
The President of the University said he's appalled.
However, Click said she was simply protecting student protestors in that incident.
(wait who's side is she on?!!) [11]
In an April 2016 interview with The Chronicle of Higher Education, Click sparked outrage by claiming she was fired because she's white.
Click's research predominantly encompasses the use of femininity and women in erotic novels and the use of feminity to expand social memes.
'You're born to be brave': Lady Gaga's use of social media to inspire fans' political awareness [13]
Twi-dudes and Twi-guys: How Twilight's Male Fans Interpret and Engage with a Feminized Text [13]
"Let's Hug It Out, Bitch": HBO's Entourage, Masculinity in Crisis, and the Value of Audience Studies [13]
Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture [13]
Making Monsters: Lady Gaga, Fan Identification, and Social Media [13]
Saving Food: Food Preservation as Alternative Food Activism [13]
*We Do Babies!
The Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs of Pregnancy and Parenting in the Academy [13]*
Reflections on a Century of Living: Gendered Differences in Mainstream Popular Songs [13]
*Undressing Cinema: Clothing and Identity in the Movies.
Stella Bruzzi [13]*
It's 'a good thing': The commodification of femininity, affluence, and whiteness in the Martha Stewart phenomenon [13]