Mary Newell-Finger
Mary Newell-Finger
Mary Newell-Finger is a 41 year old resident from Buckeye, Arizona.
Newell-Finger is wanted by authorities in Buckeye, Arizona for allegedly leaving a Siberian Husky locked in her car at the Walmart on Watson Road in Buckeye.
It happened on April 6, 2016, at approximately 11:30 a.m.
Investigators said she was seen parking her vehicle and walking into a business while leaving her dog unattended in the car.
The car's engine was turned off, and the windows were closed leaving no air circulation in the car with inside temperatures rising above 115 degrees.
[undefined] Detectives have made several attempts to locate Newell-Finger, but with no success.
Siberian Husky
A Buckeye Fire Department crew was able to break into the vehicle without smashing a window, according to deputies and a Veterinary (physician) was able to check out the dog. [666666]
He will have no lasting health issues.