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Loretta Lee

Loretta Lee

Photo of Loretta Lee that has been shared on her LinkedIn article.

Photo of Loretta Lee that has been shared on her LinkedIn article.

Loretta Lee is an American Software engineer professional in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Personal Life

Lee is a native of California who currently lives in San Francisco.


Photo of Loretta Lee from Halloween with her friend.

Photo of Loretta Lee from Halloween with her friend.

After high school, Lee attended University of California, Irvine where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering and Computer science.


A few years after graduating from UC Irvine, Lee started working for Google at the Los Angeles campus before moving out to Mountain View. She held several positions during her time there and before she left she was one of their Software engineers. She was fired in 2016 for poor performance.

Google Lawsuit

Photo of Loretta Lee that's found on her Facebook.

Photo of Loretta Lee that's found on her Facebook.

In late February, 2018, Lee filed a lawsuit against Google at the Santa Clara County Superior Court. She alleges that she was groped, slapped, and sexually harassed by co-workers throughout the years that she worked there. The suit claims of a time when a male a co-worker popped up from underneath her desk without her knowing who said to her: "she'd never know what he'd been doing down there". Lee was frightened as she thought

that maybe he had installed a camera device underneath the desk.

She claims in the suit that "Google's bro culture contributed to (Lee's) suffering frequent sexual harassment and gender discrimination, for which Google failed to take corrective action."

According to the suit, the environment of the company's sexist culture was severe and pervasive for nearly 8 years.

She also claims that male workers made lewd comments, male colleagues spiking her drinks with whiskey, and males shoot her with Nerf balls.

She said she once received a text from a male co-worker who asked if she wanted a "horizontal hug".

Another colleague showed up unannounced to her apartment with alcohol.

Another male colleague grabbed her lanyard to ask her name and grazed his hands over her breasts.

She was told by her superiors in the company to file a complaint but was afraid of becoming an informer.

Her superiors wrote her up for being uncooperative which forced to file a complaint.

She alleges that Human Resources then found her claims to be unsubstantial.

Lee is seeking an undisclosed amount along with $25,000 for failure to prevent sexual harassment, disability discrimination, wrongful termination and retaliation.


Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comPhoto of Loretta Lee that has been shared on her LinkedIn article.
Feb 25, 2018, 6:53 PM
Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comPhoto of Loretta Lee from Halloween with her friend.
Feb 25, 2018, 6:54 PM
Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comPhoto of Loretta Lee that's found on her Facebook.
Feb 25, 2018, 6:54 PM
Citation Linkfacebook.comThe Facebookpage of Loretta Lee.
Feb 25, 2018, 6:18 PM
Citation Linklinkedin.comThe LinkedInprofile of Loretta Lee.
Feb 25, 2018, 6:18 PM
Citation Linkdailymail.co.ukThe Daily Mailarticle about Loretta Lee.
Feb 25, 2018, 6:20 PM
Citation Linkmercurynews.comThe Mercury Newsarticle about Loretta Lee suing Google over "Bro Culture".
Feb 25, 2018, 6:21 PM
Citation Linksacbee.comThe Sacramento Bee article about Loretta Lee.
Feb 25, 2018, 6:21 PM