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Leher Sethi

Leher Sethi

Leher Sethi, born (29 May, 1984), in Chennai is an Indian entrepreneur, engineer, and women's rights activist. She is also known for her work in social activism. She's also the secretary to the ICHR (Indian Council for Human Relations) and ICUNR (Indian Council for UN Relations). Sethi is the director of Something Creative, that specializes in events based around a vision to spread awareness on various social issues, book launches and other literary and content based associations. She has collaborated and worked with various ministries of Delhi Govt. and the Central Govt. to do events of cultural and social importance.

The Indian Council for UN Relations (ICUNR) awarded Leher the International Women’s Day Award while honoring Outstanding Women Achievers of 2013 in 2014.


She's the daughter of a former Indian army man who was stationed at Siachen base[2].


The Indian Council for UN Relations (ICUNR) International Women’s Day Award by Najma Heptullah, 2014.

Award for Outstanding Work in the field of Social Service by Buddha Education Foundation, at a Samman Samaroh (26-27-28 October 2018) at Dilli Haat, Pitampura, Delhi.

6th NAARI GAURAV SAMMAN 2019 by the Rajasthani Academy (Regd.) at India Habitat Center, presented by Ram Niwas Goel, Speaker – Legislative Assembly of Delhi[1].

Deepanjan Award 2019 at India Habitat Center from Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Satya Pal Singh.


Citation Linkwww.pressreader.com
Dec 16, 2019, 4:13 AM
Citation Linkwww.dailyo.in
Dec 16, 2019, 4:17 AM