Kyle Robertson
Kyle Robertson
Kyle Robertsonis an Entrepreneur, Facebook Ad Specialist, Instagram Influencer, and E-commerce Expert/Acceleration Coach based in Los Angeles, California. Kyle has established himself in the world of e-commerce, but as a result, has a wide general understanding of online marketing as a whole. He has created 6 e-commerce stores in the last year generating over $225,000 in total sales. With that, Kyle has built a personal network of over 500,000 followers on Instagram that is growing more exponentially every day. [-1]
Early Life and First Ventures
Kyle grew up in Calabasas, California and initially planned to go to Law school. From the age of 18-21, he was going to college while working a job at a supplement store. When he was 18, he began reading articles about online marketing and the next year in September 2015, had his first e-commerce store up with a plan to market it through Instagram. He didn’t see the success with the store as intended, but it gave him the experience and lessons to utilize in later projects. [-1]
Facebook Utilization and Success
Kyle tested Facebook Advertising heavily for several months and in March of 2016, he saw a profit of $4000 that month.
After the first month, he couldn’t replicate the store’s sales, and in April, the Supplement Store he worked for was closed, leaving him jobless.
Kyle says this rut was disheartening, but he continued more testing until September of 2016 when he “cracked the code,” for Facebook ads and saw his biggest breakthrough.
A week after his bank account had a negative balance, he saw his first $1000 deposit from Shopify. Since then, he’s launched multiple new stores, hasn’t seen a month less than $20,000 in total sales and spends tens of thousands seeing returns on Facebook ads since his initial success. It was from this that motivated Kyle to drop out of college to pursue E-commerce and Online Marketing as a full-time career.
Migration to Instagram
Kyle with his friend
The newfound success from his e-commerce ventures from Facebook lead him to migrate to Instagram looking for new opportunities for sales. He began by selectively putting money into Instagram promotion and saw concrete results from his strategy. Spending anywhere from $5000-$10000 per month on shoutouts, he was able to establish a foot in the door with the community. He took more profits from the business and invested in the growth of niche pages that now sit at a total following of around 500,000 followers, not including the business pages themselves. [-1]
E-commerce Acceleration and Expertise
As a result of his e-commerce ventures, he’s now sharing his knowledge in the form of E-commerce Acceleration; assisting clients in the creation, design, and marketing of their new store/online brand.
Kyle has consistently launched multiple e-commerce stores and has been able to hit $1000 total sales days within the first three days of creation.
Again, he launched a new store and within 2 weeks had generated $20,000 in total sales, and 20,000 new followers for the business Instagram page.
Life and Philosophy
Kyle places a deep value in health as well as online marketing.
He has spent years researching nutrition and fitness, which he deeply values as a routine core discipline to maintain.
He deems much of his success to his life philosophy in which he places a deep value in personal development.
The book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill had a deep influence on him when he read it in high school. He said that it “planted the seed for the tree to grow.” He believes that developing oneself beyond just the skill a job requires will result in more fortune than the job itself will pay. [-1]