Kevin Adell
Kevin Adell
Kevin R.Adell (49 in 2016) is a resident of Oakland County, Michigan.
He owns the WADL (TV) station, African American religious cable channel The Word Network, Birmingham Properties real estate company that owns the business properties, and Detroit's 910 AM Superstation, an African American talk radio station.
His car collection includes more than 80 vehicles.
[1]Adell is planning the Water Factor, an indoor / outdoor water park on the site of his family's former auto part supply company.
The station grew from shopping channels to network programming.
Adell's father, Franklin Adell, decided to expand into cable and started the Word Network in 2000, including programming and sermons from the ministries of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
[1]T The cable channel grew as an African American religious network eventually reaching an international audience worldwide.
Adell described it as the "ESPN of religion,” and said it broadcasts to the “four corners of the Earth.”
In September 2016, Wayne Bradley accused him of putting him on an indefinite hiatus from his radio show because Bradley supported Donald Trump's presidential candidacy.
As a child, Adell learned Ham radio and Morse code.