Kathy Shelton
Kathy Shelton
Kathy Shelton is a 54 year old woman residing in Springdale, Arkansas.
Rape Case
In 1975, at the age of 12, Shelton was raped by a 41-year-old factory worker named Thomas Alfred Taylor.
The lawyer who provided Taylor’s defense was a 27-year-old law professor who ran a legal aid clinic for underprivileged defendants.
This law professor was Hillary Clinton. In the end, Taylor’s charges were reduced from first-degree rape to “unlawful fondling of a child under 14,” mainly due to a lack of credible evidence in the case. Taylor served 10 months of a one-year sentence, and died in 1992. The Shelton rape case has long been used by Clinton adversaries to attack her, saying that her defense of Taylor makes her a hypocrite when she claims to be an advocate for women and sexual assault victims. Clinton’s political opponents have even claimed that the Democratic Presidential nominee “laughed” when discussing the case in an interview several years later.
Shelton is a lesbian and has stated that the rape caused her to avoid men for a very long time.