Julian von Abele
Julian von Abele
Julian von Abele is a student at Columbia University. He is based in New York City. [2]
In the Media
GIF of Julian von Abele's rant
In December 2018, Julian was captured on video harassing black Columbia underclassmen outside Butler Library. In the clip, Julian can be heard saying: [0]
*We built the modern world.
We built the modern world.* *Europeans built the modern world.
We invented science and industry, and you want to tell us to stop because, ‘Oh my God we’re so bad.' W e invented the modern world.
We saved billions of people from starvation.
We built modern civilization.
The white people are the best thing to ever happen to the world.
We are so amazing.
I love myself, and I love White people!
Fuck yeah, White people!
Fuck yeah, White men!
We're White men!
We did everything!* *I don't hate other people.
I just love my...
White men.
I just love White men.*
Columbia University denounced the incident and are currently investigating what happened. [1] [4] Julian has since created a Twitter account and released his own statement on the events. [-1]
College Studies
Julian is a full-time student at the Department of Physics at Columbia University.
He does research in mathematical physics, quantum field theory, quantum physics, and theoretical physics. Julian's current project is 'Action Bends the Omniscape'. [2]