Jonas Schmedtmann
Jonas Schmedtmann
Jonas Schmedtmann is a Developer. Designer. Online teacher passion for building beautiful new things from scratch. He has been building websites since 2007 and also has a Master's degree in Engineering.
He discovered his passion for teaching and helping others by sharing his knowledge in college.
Jonas have has identified as one of Udemy's Top Instructors and all hi premium courses have recently earned the best-selling status for outstanding performance and student satisfaction.
He is a full-stack Web developer and designer with a passion for building beautiful things from scratch. Jonas has been building websites and apps since 2007 and also have a Master's degree in Engineering.
It was in college where He first discovered his passion for teaching and helping others by sharing all he knew.
And that passion brought him to Udemy in 2015, where his students love the fact that he takes the time to explain important concepts in a way that everyone can easily understand.[11]
Studied at University of Lisbon[10]