Jamie Dorff
Jamie Dorff
Jamie’s husband was Patrick Dorff, an Army helicopter pilot from Minnesota who died while on a search and rescue mission in northern Iraq. [1]
Dorff attended St. Catherine University. [1]
Death of Patrick Dorff
Patrick Dorff of Elk River, Minnesota was killed on January 25, 2004 when his Kiowa Warrior helicopter went down in the Tigris River during a search for four soldiers whose watercraft had capsized. Dorff was listed as duty status whereabouts unknown after the crash. His remains were recovered January 29, 2004.
DNC 2016
Jamie Dorff was invited by Hillary Clinton to speak at the 2016 Democratic National Convention. As a senator, Hillary Clinton worked with Republicans and Democrats to increase the gratuity paid to family members of fallen veterans from $12,000 to $100,000.