Jacob's House
Jacob's House
Jacob's House is a child safety app dedicated to people who are not able to speak to a dispatcher on the phone in case of some danger.
The application is created by Sharika Soal in 2018. The app is dedicated firstly to Sharika's son who was in a situation where the adults around him illegally kept him from being able to report he had been sexually assaulted. [0] The app will be designed as a normal social media app and the demographic is for teens and poor communities. It will work with Wifi so no phone service is necessary. The purpose and main function of the app is upon registering with the app the human makes a pre-recorded message that is stored on a server. The human will state their name age and address and school and that they are not safe and need to be checked on. This technology will greatly reduce teens being trafficked without a trace as the app will work with Geo-Tagging and record location of the owner even after being thrown away and the recorded message will always be the first point of evidence. 911 is alerted and hears the recorded message on a loop so that it will cut down on hours of not realizing the child or human was in danger. [0]