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Jack Phillips (Baker)

Jack Phillips (Baker)

Jack Philips is a professional baker located in Lakewood, Colorado who came to the public's attention upon refusing to make a customized wedding cake for a gay couple's civil union.

Initial Incident

In 2012, customers and future martial partners, David Mullins and Charles Craig, entered Masterpiece Cakes wishing to purchase a customized cake for their upcoming wedding.

Philips declined their order on the grounds of his Christian beliefs, so much so that his store carried an official policy that no same-sex weddings cakes were to be made.

Reaction after Refusal

At the time of incident, Colorado had not legalized gay marriage but allowed civil unions between same-sex couple.

In addition, Colorado's anti discrimination laws protected same-sex couples against discrimination.

[1]Philips claimed a faith-based exemption to the state's anti-discrimination law, stating that two sections within the First Amendment, regarding its protections for freedom of religion and speech, overrode the anti-discrimination law.

[2]The ACLU filed a complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Commission on behalf of the offended party.

In the first ruling on the matter, the Commission found that Philip's defense was inadequate and ordered his business to change policy and have its employees undergo revised staff training.

After the initial ruling, Philips filed an appeal with the Colorado Court of Appeals and was again ruled against in August 2015.


Supreme Court Trial

On June 26th, 2017, the Supreme Court of the United States agreed to hear Philip's case.

Their decision on the matter is expected in 2018.



Citation Linkmasterpiececakes.comJack Philip's Business Website
Jun 27, 2017, 4:43 AM
Citation Linkcnbc.comCNBC Article about the Supreme Court and the Jack Philip's case
Jun 27, 2017, 4:57 AM
Citation Linknytimes.comNY Times article about the Supreme Court and Jack Philip's case
Jun 27, 2017, 4:58 AM
Citation Linkscotusblog.comColorado Court of Appeals decision
Jun 27, 2017, 5:10 AM
Citation Linkscotusblog.comSupreme Court decision to hear the case
Jun 27, 2017, 5:11 AM