HowMuchToiletPaper is a website that allows users to calculate how much toilet paper they will need during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Since it's launch, the site has been used by over 12 million people. [3] [1] [2]
History was created by London based student software developer Ben Sassoon and artist Sam Harris. [1]
The calculator uses sliders to input the number of toilet paper rolls and the number of times a user goes to the bathroom.
There are also advanced settings which asks for wipes per trip, sheets per wipe, sheets on the roll, and the length of a user's quarantine. [3]
The result of a user's calculations will automatically register with each number they input.
According to the website, the average user has 500% more toilet paper than they need for quarantine.
See also
Larry Edgeworth
Jeffrey Ghazarian