Heidi Russo
Heidi Russo
Heidi Russo is a nurse in Colorado.
She was 47 years old in 2016 and had an 11 year old.
She is also the biological mother of star college and NFL quaterback Colin Kaepernick who she gave to his adoptive parents when she was a teenager (18 or 19).
Kaepernick's father reportedly left her when he found out she was pregnant.
Russo had some contact with Kaepernick's adoptive parents when he was young, and has followed his football career.
She expressed and interest in developing a closer relationship in 2012.
In 2016, Russo expressed disagreement with Kaepernick's decision to remain seated as proest during the singing of the national anthem, but also said it the doffering views do not mean she does not love the son she made the difficult choice to give up to his parents.
She said it is a decision she has to live with and respects Colin's decision not to develop more of a relationship with her.
Russo is involved in the Three Strands organization working to uplift and support mothers who choose to have their babies adopted.