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Giovanni Morassutti's Quotes

Giovanni Morassutti's Quotes

Giovanni Morassutti (born March 15, 1980 in Padua) is an Italian actor, theatre director and cultural entrepreneur. [1] [2] He appeared in more than 20 films since 2001.[17] He is the founder and artistic director of the international art residency Art Aia - Creatives / In / Residence[18] In 2016 he wrote the preface of the Italian version of John Strasberg´s book Accidentally on purpose published by Dino Audino. [19] As a theatre director he has been directing plays presented in theatres around the world. [20]

The following is a list of quotes by Giovanni Morassutti.


A great many a drop of water will create a creek.


Sometimes I wonder if it does exist such a thing called personality.


I would rather remember even if sometimes it can be very painful.


Average acting is like jerking without an orgasm.



Being the most human you can be.


I want to be spontaneous like a wild animal.


Follow your body because most of the time it knows where to go.


The sound of the human voice is the best of nature but only if it comes out from the feelings.


Find a good teacher, don’t betray yourself to succeed and be a better person before being a better actor.


We know how we were born, but know not how we will die.


Creating the kind of connections between people that lead to collective civic action, political expression, community dialogue, shared cultural experiences.


For me personally, The Organic Creative Process helped me to discover what kind of actor I want to be; but this is a process that goes beyond acting.

It actually revealed to me what I want to do in my life and that I have to work hard to make it real.[14]

I believe that nowadays we are in the process of establishing a new relationship between humanity, creativity and nature.[16]

Wine making is an artistic creation in which you deal with a variety of styles, colors, and inspiration.

Therefore good wine, like good art, can evoke emotions, sensations and create an experience which leaves a lasting impression.[37]

Versione in Italiano

Tante piccole gocce insieme possono creare un ruscello. [36]

A volte mi domando se esiste ciò che viene chiamata personalità. [33]

Preferisco ricordare anche se volte puo´essere molto doloroso. [34]

La recitazione mediocre è come masturbarsi senza raggiungere l'orgasmo.

Voglio essere spontaneo come un animale selvatico.

Segui il tuo corpo poiché la maggior parte delle volte lui sa dove andare.

Il suono della voce umana è il più bello presente in natura ma solamente se connesso con le emozioni.

(Cosa consiglieresti ai giovani che si vogliono accostare al mondo del Cinema o Teatro?) Di trovare un buon maestro, di non tradire se stessi per arrivare al successo e di migliorarsi come persone prima che come attori.

Sappiamo come siamo nati ma non come moriremo.

Creare il tipo di connessioni tra persone che conducono all'azione civica collettiva, all'espressione politica, al dialogo comunitario e alla condivisione di esperienze culturali.

Personalmente, il Processo Organico Creativo mi ha aiutato a scoprire che tipo di attore desidero essere; ma questo è un processo che va oltre la recitazione, poiché mi ha messo nella condizione di capire quello che voglio fare della mia vita e di impegnarmi per concretizzarlo. [35]

La Perfezione ?

Essere il più umano possibile.

Quotes about Giovanni Morassutti

The leading actor Giovanni Morassutti performed the miracle.

In the long shot monologue he gave me what I wanted.

Actually he gave me a better performance than I had imagined.[31] - Vito Pagano ( Film director)

Versione in Italiano

L´attore protagonista Giovanni Morassutti… interpretando un monologo di 5 minuti… ha compiuto il miracolo. Mi ha dato quello che volevo, anzi, mi ha dato una performance migliore di quella che avevo immaginato.-Vito Pagano ( Regista )


Citation Linkgiovannimorassutti.wordpress.comGiovanni Morassutti's personal website
Aug 2, 2019, 10:51 PM
Citation Linkwww.imdb.comGiovanni on IMDb
Aug 2, 2019, 10:52 PM
Citation Linkgiovannimorassutti.wordpress.comGiovanni's Quotes
Aug 2, 2019, 10:55 PM
Citation Linken.wikiquote.orgGiovanni Morassutti on Wikiquote
Aug 3, 2019, 10:05 AM
Citation Linkwww.quotationsource.comGiovanni Morassutti on Quotationsource
Aug 3, 2019, 10:44 AM
Citation Linkwww.goodreads.comGiovanni Morassutti on Goodreads
Aug 3, 2019, 10:45 AM
Citation Linkwww.yourquote.inGiovanni Morassutti on Yourquote
Aug 3, 2019, 10:46 AM
Citation Linkwww.thyquotes.comGiovanni Morassutti on Thyquotes
Aug 3, 2019, 10:47 AM
Citation Linkwww.quotes.netGiovanni Morassutti on Quotes.net
Aug 3, 2019, 10:47 AM
Citation Linkquotepark.comGiovanni Morassutti on Quotes of famous people
Aug 3, 2019, 10:48 AM
Citation Linkwww.quoteikon.comGiovanni Morassutti on Quoteikon
Aug 3, 2019, 10:49 AM
Citation Linkwww.knauit.comGiovanni Morassutti on Knauit
Aug 3, 2019, 10:50 AM
Citation Linkwww.thegoldenquotes.netGiovanni Morassutti on Goldenquotes.net
Aug 3, 2019, 10:51 AM
Citation Linkcerealquotes.comGiovanni Morassutti on Cereal Quotes
Aug 3, 2019, 10:52 AM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comGiovanni Morassutti Quotes
Aug 3, 2019, 12:40 PM
Citation Linkworldwitandwisdom.comGiovanni Morassutti on World Wit & Winsdom
Aug 3, 2019, 12:47 PM
Citation Linken.wikipedia.orgGiovanni Morassutti on Wikipedia
Aug 3, 2019, 1:50 PM
Citation Linken.wikipedia.orgArt Aia - Creatives / In / Residence
Aug 3, 2019, 1:51 PM
Citation Linkwww.academia.eduGiovanni Morassutti on Academia
Aug 3, 2019, 1:52 PM
Citation Linkwww.ansalatina.comGiovanni Morassutti on Ansa
Aug 3, 2019, 1:53 PM