Gerald Walpin

Gerald Walpin

Gerald Walpin was an American lawyer, Inspector General, author and columnist.
He served as assistant district attorney in NYC and was appointed as an inspector general in 2006 by George W. Bush.
He was fired from the position by Barrack Obama in 2009 after uncovering problems with Americorps funding and the corrupt activities of a Prominent Obama ally, former NBA star Kevin Johnson who was then mayor of Sacramento. Johnson's sexual harassment of teens was also reported at the time.
Other IGs complained about obstruction during Obama's tenure and 47 of them wrote a letter seeking restoration of their full access to records needed in their investigations.
The legislation passed and was signed into law.
Walpin was censored from Wikipedia for many years, along with many other subjects critical of Obama.
Walpin died in June 2016 after being hit by an SUV while walking in a crosswalk on NYC's Upper East Side.
He was 84.