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Free Use Symbol

Free Use Symbol

A free use symbol is a symbol that a woman, or so called "keyhole", has on her body which indicates that any man can have sex with her whenever he wants to, at any time, under any circumstances, as long as the symbol is clearly visible.

The symbol is considered automatic consent that needs no words.

For this reason it is obviously highly controversial concept that is sometimes used within the more extreme ends of BDSM, master/slave, and kink-misogyny dynamics in which a masochistic woman self-enforces "misogynistic" ideas of being a "worthless cunt" that submits to men, onto themselves as a form excitement for sexual arousal.


A "keyhole" (or "cunt") has the symbol on their body, ordinary in the form of a tattoo.

It is visible on their body in a location that allows them to make the symbol visible when they want it to be.

The symbol's design is typically specifically made so that it does not seem unusual or out of place should someone not know it's meaning.

This prevents unneeded embarrassment for the bearer when getting the tattoo, and prevents it acting as a general mark of shame, so that only those "in the know" understand it, and act upon it.

The symbol has the purpose of indicating several things to those who understand what the symbol means:

  • "I am a worthless cunt who submits to men".

  • "Any man can stick his key into my hole".

  • "I give you consent to have sex with me, if I put up a fight I am only pretending".

  • "I want to be groped me, and sexually abused by men".

The free use symbol is typically a simplistic design of a keyhole. The design is made simplistic and minimalist on purpose so as to not stand out, while being clear enough by itself to be recognisable to anyone who is familiar with the symbol and it's meaning.[1]

Usages of the symbol vary; some women use the symbol in role-play scenarios, while others, particularly those in the more dangerous side of such a lifestyle, adopt it into their 24/7 role, having the symbol constantly on their bodies, and enjoy the thrill and fear of the danger that they could be "raped" or groped whenever possible.


The free use symbol and the lifestyle that surrounds it are obviously subject to high levels of controversy and condemnation, particularly when it is adapted into a 24/7 lifestyle choice.

It is considered highly dangerous, and problematic, and is considered to be a highly toxic contributor to rape culture, institutionalised sexism. Those who practise such a lifestyle are considered to be at considerable risk of both severe psychological harm and physical harm.

There are, however, those who support the concept of "free use" and the lifestyle that surrounds it.

It is often indicated that it is not a bad thing to acknowledge that some women genuinely like being used by men as sex objects, and that their right to choice this lifestyle should not be restricted from them.

The safety of a woman who has a free use symbol on their body is considered to be partially in their own hands, and they are considered to have to act responsibly.


Citation Linker-3000.tumblr.com
Jun 23, 2020, 1:49 AM