Federico Guevara Elizondo
Federico Guevara Elizondo
Federico Guevara Elizondo is a student at Colegio Americano del Noreste, a private bilingual school south of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Personal Life

Pictured on his Facebook
He was a member of a closed Facebook group known as Legión Holk, which promotes violence and mass shootings among the members.
At the time of his death, he was being treated for depression. On his Facebook account, he would post about the Illuminati.
School Shooting
On January 18, 2017, a t approximately 8:00 a.m., Federico took a .22 caliber firearm and fired at close range at two of his classmates, one identified as Luis Fernando Ramirez González, and his teacher, Cecilia Solís.
He then reloaded the weapon using cartridges from a box, shooting himself in an act of suicide on the chin. Federico died in a hospital later.
Planned Attack
Moment he shoots at his classmates