Everipedia's Best Page Of The Week Contest January 2021
Everipedia's Best Page Of The Week Contest January 2021
To encourage and reward our editors for the great Everipedia pages that they make, we’ve decided to create a weekly contest where the five editors who create the best pages as judged by the Everipedia team receives 16,000 IQ which will be divided in the following way: 6,000 IQ for first place, 4,000 IQ for second place and 2,000 IQ for third place, fourth place and fifth place. The pages will be judged on a variety of factors including quality, uniqueness, traffic, length, media, social media shares, and other factors. [1]
Step 1: Picking a page of your choice
You can create a page about any topic that is appropriate (no pages involving graphic violence or adult content).
Make sure to pick something good because you can only submit one page every week.
While traffic is a factor it is only one of many factors.
The pages that are most likely to win are very high priority pages that are challenging, specifically from the List of DeFi Projects.
A page with a low amount of traffic but is high quality and unique can definitely still win.
If you want some feedback on the page idea you have to feel free to reach out to William Goodwin (EwokABdevito).
Step 2: Creating the page
The next step is to create the page.
Make sure it meets the minimum requirements and to go above and beyond.
This contest is all about the best pages on Everipedia so make sure to add as much good quality information, media, infoboxes, references, tables, sections, and other elements as you can.
While it’s important to have a page that has a lot of information it is also important to make sure that the writing is logical, concise with no unnecessary or confusing words, and with no spelling and grammar mistakes.
Before submitting your page feel free to reach out to William Goodwin (EwokABdevito) for advice on how to improve your page so you have the best chance of winning. However, remember that there is only one winner each week so even if you make all the improvements you may still not win.
Step 3: Entering your page in the contest
You must enter your page in the contest under the headers below.
To make an entry add your name as a header to the entries section and link your page below your name.
Remember that you can only submit one page every week so make sure to submit your very best work.
Step 4: Winning
We will announce the winners, send them their 6,000, 4,000, and 2,000 IQ rewards, and share their page across our social media when each week's winner is decided.
Minimum Requirements
The minimum requirements are the same as the high traffic pages, so make sure to make the page as comprehensive as possible.
A guide to the requirements can be found by clicking this citation.
Zero Tolerance for Cheating
If someone engages in fraud, vandalizes the pages of others, or tries to steal the work of others they will be banned from all Everipedia initiatives.
Honest editors have nothing to worry about.
This policy only exists to prevent cheating and fraud.
The reward amounts and the requirements of the challenge can be changed at any time and for any reason.
We will always try our best to be fair.
Suggested Pages
We will be continually adding pages here that we deem high priority.
You have a higher chance of placing if you work on one of these pages, though it is not necessary.
- Shopping.io (SPI) (here's a reference: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/shopping-io)
BitOnyx Token (BTNYX)
ExeedMe (XED)
Mantis Network (MNTIS)
Secret (WSCRT)
Shailesh 'sarcricstick'
January 4th - January 11th:
1st place: Mosesgadang: ZKSwap
2nd place: DavidOludele: NFTX (NFTX)
3rd place: Sarcricstic: Whiteheart Finance (WHITE)
4th place: Odukzspeaks: Wifi Coin (WIFI)
5th place: Lily Mma: BakerySwap (BAKE)
January 11th - January 18th:
1st place: Sarcricstic: Plasm Network
2nd place: DavidOludele: XDEF Finance (XDEF2)
3rd place: mosesgadang: Amepay (AME)
4th place: Praise: Unimex Network (UMX)
5th place: Shaewun: BurgerSwap
January 18th - January 25th:
1st place: DavidOludele: THORChain
2nd place: Ooreoluwa123: Zero Collateral Dai (ZAI)
3rd place: Sarcricstic: ViteX
4th place: GodsGenerale: LCX (LCX)
5th place: Evangel2001: One Cash (ONC)
January 25th – February 2nd
1st place: DavidOludele: Secret (WSCRT)
2nd place: Godsgenerale: BitOnyx Token (BTNYX)
3rd place: Mosesgadang: ExeedMe (XED)
4th place: Praise: Mantis Network (MNTIS)
5th place: Shailesh 'sarcricstick': Binance DEX