Everipedia 2.0 Referendum

Everipedia 2.0 Referendum

Everipedia is migrating their smart contract to a version 2.0 in late December 2018 to early January 2019. [-1]
This is a wiki that details the changes in the wikis and allows community members to vote on whether or not to deploy the changes.
Feature Changelist
Extend voting period from 6 hours to 12 hours.
Remove the concept of Brainpower. Stakes will be auto-generated by proposals and votes.
Allow users to login and propose articles with OAuth (Google, Facebook). An EOS account would still be required to vote on articles and receive rewards for your edits.
Comments for edits / voting.
See the history of stake/edits from accounts as found on the blockchain (this is a frontend change, not a smart contract one, but is included in this wiki anyway)
Technical Changelist
Remove grandparent hashes from proposals. They were a temporary measure intended to be removed at a later date.
Remove a couple fields labeled deleteme in the contracts. These fields had to be left in there for data consistency in the tables. Transitioning to new tables will allow us to remove these.
Add logging for rewards generated by editing vs voting.
Change the data structure of the wikis table from a git-like tree to a key-value store. This will simplify updates and make it easy to track version histories through the block logs. Each article will have a unique ID that serves as its key. In addition, the wiki table will now store a title, group ID (for a group of articles in a different language), language code, and the current IPFS hash of the article.
Apply slashes directly to the stake generated from a vote instead of iterating through a user's stakes and slashing from the first stake down. This addresses the issue where a user's first stake gets slashed for hundreds of days while the remaining stakes are relatively untouched.