Ensight Partners
Ensight Partners
Executive + Insight = Ensight
Ensight Partners’ passion is equipping leaders with insights that create efficiency, self-discovery, leadership effectiveness and team cohesion.
That passion for transformation is contagious, making change at every level of an organization possible, and even fun.
A high degree of accountability is required to be the change you wish to see in the world.
The executive coaches and consultants of Ensight Partners are committed to achieving mastery of their professional practice and peace in their personal lives.
We envision our clients’ teams as effective, committed, accountable, supportive and frictionless in communication.
We envision a world that cherishes diversity, defends the greater good, embraces healthy discourse, and unites in common goals.
Ensight Partners and our wonderful community of clients are challenging one another to be better, both for ourselves and the world around us.
We’d love for you to join us on that journey.
Ensight Partners’ vision is to realize the full potential of effective leadership across the planet, resulting in a sustainable and inspiring future for all.
Ensight Partners’ mission is to elevate leadership effectiveness, team cohesion, and sustainable change in teams and communities around the world.
Insight: Our services generate lasting insights that increase leadership and organizational effectiveness, savvy communication, and a better quality of life.
Creativity: We believe that our perspective on life, love, work, community service, leadership and happiness is a result of creative thought and expression.
Excellence: Our definition of excellence is harmony between the passionate mastery of our profession and a rich, meaningful life outside of work.
Leadership: We believe leadership is a constant state of being, rather than a position or title. At work, home and in our community we all have the opportunity to lead and serve.
Love: We believe in a communication style, leadership presence, and approach to life that embodies kindness and respect toward all, even in the most difficult of circumstances.
Ensight Partners is a trusted advisor to leaders across industries nationally and abroad.
We offer a suite of services to maximize effectiveness, efficiency and team cohesion.
Executive Coaching
Senior executives, emerging leaders and small business owners all have an opportunity, if not an obligation, to continually improve their performance.
In leadership training, executive coaching is the most individually tailored way to develop new knowledge and skills.
Ensight Partners serves leaders at each stage of their personal and professional development, helping them transform and achieve results.
We leverage the evidence-based practices of cognitive-behavioral psychology, mindfulness, emotional intelligence and transformational leadership to create meaningful change for managers and leaders.
Objectives Of Ensight Coaching
Increase self-awareness
Enhance emotional intelligence
Communicate authentically
Deliver feedback effectively
Facilitate difficult conversations
Resolve conflict
Increase influence and motivation
Enhance team engagement
Articulate clear goals
Increase accountability
Manage time efficiently
Integrate a healthy work-life balance
Manage difficult work or life transitions
Cross-cultural competency
Organizational Consulting
Enhancing leadership effectiveness, creating cohesive teams and resolving conflict are crucial, complex challenges that are difficult to address from within a team.
With the help of outside professionals, savvy leaders increase their objectivity in diagnosing problems, and have greater success implementing solutions.
Ensight Partners facilitates change within leadership teams around the world, across industries.
Our consulting often integrates individual meetings, group meetings and training to help teams resolve issues, unite in common goals, communicate effectively, and collaborate cross-functionally.
Objectives Of Ensight Consulting
Increased team cohesion
Collaboration across generations
Better retention and alignment in roles
Authentic and clear communication
Emotionally intelligent communication
Resolution of conflict and overcoming fear
Running effective meetings
Motivating and meaningful culture
Development and succession plans
Increased accountability and goal-setting
Greater commitment to mission and values
Success with difficult team members
Improved decision-making
Cross-cultural competency
Leadership Training
Training in leadership, management or communications must provide actionable information that makes sense in the broader context of a team member’s life.
Ensight Partners makes leadership training practical, meaningful and applicable to daily interactions.
Our goal in training is to increase the adoption and understanding of effective leadership and communication techniques.
We use the evidence-based practices of transformational leadership, effective communication, emotional intelligence and mindfulness to create tailored, engaging trainings for small and large groups, across all levels of leadership.
Topics Of Ensight Training
Transformational Leadership
Effective Communication
Managing and Resolving Conflict
Motivation and Accountability
Leading through Change
Creating Culture
Leadership Succession
Emotional Intelligence
Mindful Leadership
Leading Multiple Generations
Overcoming Stress and Burnout
Effective Coaching and Mentoring
Creating Trust & Psychological Safety
Running Effective Meetings