Embrace Your Grace: A Physician's Guide to Dynamic Self-Healing
Embrace Your Grace: A Physician's Guide to Dynamic Self-Healing
Embrace Your Grace: A Physician's Guide to Dynamic Self-Healing is a book where Dr. Wes Rocki, a veteran medical and alternative-therapy doctor explains how to improve wellness.
The book was written by Dr. Wes Rocki and Natasha Stoynoff.
In Embrace Your Grace: A Physician’s Guide to Dynamic Self-Healing, Dr. Wes Rocki, a veteran medical and alternative-therapy doctor, offers a simple, effective, natural solution, using your own mind.
It’s time for people to take charge of their wellness, says Dr. Wes, and align with the miraculous power of your body, mind, and their own “inner doctor” super triad—to identify the cause of your “dis-ease” and create the resolution.
Sharing stories about himself and his patients, Dr. Wes teaches how to use the tools of energy/intuition medicine, hypnosis, and biofeedback to improve well being.