Dr. Sebi
Dr. Sebi
Pathologist, herbalist, and naturalist, Dr. Sebi has spent decades studying the plants and herbs of North, South and Central America, Africa and the Caribbean.
His unique approach to healing the human body is firmly rooted in that experience.
Early Life/Career
Born Alfredo Bowman in Honduras in 1933, Dr. Sebi learned at the foot of his grandmother, "Mama Hay," and later, in treating himself, with a traditional herbalist in Mexico.
On finding the healing he’d sought, Dr Sebi created a line of natural vegetable cell food compounds used for inter-cellular cleansing and cellular revitalization.
Later Life and Death
On May 28, 2016, Dr. Sebi was arrested at Juan Manuel Galvez International Airport in Honduras for carrying some $37,000 in cash.
He was released pending a court hearing, only to be rearrested June 3 by the Ministerio Público, Honduras’ version of the FBI, and charged with money laundering.
Dr. Sebi remained in custody until Aug. 6, when he was rushed to a local hospital reportedly suffering from complications of pneumonia.
Dr. Sebi died en route.
He was 82.