David Fry
David Fry
Fry, 27, put together a website supporting the occupation, which it appears to be shutdown and longer available supporting the occupation.
The domain of the website was: defendyourbase.net, which he said he hoped would be used for following developments at the refuge.
He is quoted as saying: "The media is blowing this up and making me look like a bad guy, but I was just being sarcastic," he said.
"I was being very offensive.
That was the goal, to be very offensive."
His recent posts include a meme contrasting U.S. government views of Syrian and American militias and photos of "nasty" items received in the mail at the refuge.
He lives near Cincinnati, and said he's at the refuge primarily because he thinks the world is beginning to fall apart — morally and physically — and that something needs to be done about it.
He said he's concerned about the environment, particularly the health of the Pacific Ocean and its wildlife.
He said he has been at the refuge for about five days, as of Tuesday night, and plans to stay as long as he can.
He is also quoted as saying: "I felt like this was a good place to maybe make a change for America," he said.
The posts to Fry's Google Plus, which he says is deliberately facetious and sarcastic, have included the hashtags #Pray4ISIS and #HitlerWasRight.
Public records show Fry lives in a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio.
David was the last occupier to surrender.
He finally surrendered in February 2016 after threats of suicide and violence.