Courtney Adeleye
Courtney Adeleye

GREAT 28: Meet Courtney Adeleye, The Millennial Hair Care Master
Courtney Adeleye is an American entrepreneur known for her innovation in Black women's hair. She is the CEO of The Mane Choice, a company and brand of women's hair products she built from the ground up. In early August, 2018, a video she shared on her social media of gifting her 11 year-old's teacher with a brand new car.
Adeleye was born in the state of Michigan, a place where she lived for most of her childhood. She grew up near the city of Detroit and would also visit the state of Alabama as a child.
As a young teenager at the age of 15, she began to work full-time while studying to go to college.
After high school, she committed to the University of Michigan. While in college, she worked multiple jobs to help her family. She would go on to receive her Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
Photo of Courtney Adeleye that has been shared on her Facebook.
For years after college, she worked as a nurse while at the same time discovering her hobby of rehabilitating her hair.
Her curiosity for healthy hair became apparent when she decided that she wanted to find the healthiest way to grow out her hair past her shoulders.
She would go on to make many discoveries that would become essential ingredients in her hair products.
The Mane Choice
After many years, she started her first company, The Mane Choice.
She has since become its CEO and driven the company to great profits and a big community of people who identify with the struggles that Adeleye went through with her own hair.
As a physician and nurse, The Mane Choice was developed through a passionate love for healthy hair by Adeleye.
She started the company in 2013, and decided to go into business for herself using $500 of her own personal savings and kept reinvesting her money.
She began by choosing a business name.
Next, she purchased the domain, and finally called upon her niece to help create the logo.
When she was just beginning, Adeleye’s family members helped her bottle her the deep conditioner, attaching the labels by hand.
She then uploaded her first handmade conditioner product online.
A first sale was then made.
One sale became two, then three, and so on.
Adeleye was extremely cautious with my spending, and didn’t touch the profits for the first year.
Pay My Bills
Part one of the viral video in which Courtney Adeleye gives a car as a gift to the teacher of her child.
Through the collaboration of the community of her clients who have supported throughout the years, she started a program called "Pay My Bills", as a way to give back and help people.
The “Pay My Bill” weekly giveaway towards strangers who have supporter her.
Who’s the Bawse
Who’s the Bawse: The Experience and Who’s the Bawse: The Show are part of Adeleye's way of putting together a platform for her followers to learn from her experiences as an entrepreneur.
The Experience is a 3-day intimate retreat where she works with female entrepreneurs to build their dream businesses, and The Show is about making an investment in the next entrepreneur to give someone a chance who may not be able to get one.
** In The Media
Viral Video
On July 16th, 2018, Adeleye decided to give a car as gift to her child's teacher.
The video was posted on Adeleye's Instagram and shot by her 11 year-old. In the video, the teacher can be seen full of joy over the gift. The video has since gone viral.
Personal Life
Adeleye lives with her husband and three children in Hunstville, Alabama.