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Conscious Streetwear

Conscious Streetwear


Conscious streetwear is apparel designed with purpose and intention.

Conscious streetwear should be multifaceted.

In 2016, its important to remember transitional ethics and that we can only do as best as we can at this point in time, even if our vision goes further.

Conscious streetwear should be sustainably produced, look good, have a deeper purpose as a brand, and the graphics should be designed with the intention of provoking awareness, mindfulness, consciousness, or any form of thought.


Dipitus: Made from 100% recycled material.

Made local to the Northeast.

Designs that have meaning.

Coalatree Organics: On a mission of self reliance.

Sustainably and organically made.

Maintain a farm.


Citation Linkeveripedia-storage.s3.amazonaws.comA design that raises awareness, looks good, and was made environmentally consciously
Aug 11, 2016, 2:10 AM