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Christian Tomsey

Christian Tomsey

Christian Tomsey was a 39 year old English Teacher from Wisconsin, USA. [1]


Christian Tomsey was an English Teacher at Dominican High School, a Catholic school in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin. [1] He had been working for Dominican High School since at least 2009.


Christian Tomsey died from an apparent Suicide on Monday, August 7th of 2017. An autopsy was set for the next day. The motive for his suicide was likely the Sexual assault accusations alleged by a former student. A graduate of the high school recently alleged that an inappropriate relationship took place with Tomsey in 2009.

The School he worked for responded by firing him, releasing the following statement:

"Upon learning of the allegation, our administration immediately conducted a thorough investigation into the situation, which resulted in the termination of Mr. Tomsey's employment...

Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone impacted by this tragic situation"[1]

School officials also confirmed that they learned of Tomsey's death on Monday, the day he took his own life.

Milwaukee police said investigators were called to a 'sudden death' and are investigating it as a suicide.



Citation Linkdailymail.co.ukArticle on DailyMail about his apparent suicide
Aug 8, 2017, 9:45 PM
Citation Linkeveripedia-storage.s3.amazonaws.comWearing glasses
Aug 8, 2017, 9:47 PM
Citation Linkeveripedia-storage.s3.amazonaws.comSpeaking into a microphone
Aug 8, 2017, 9:47 PM
Citation Linkeveripedia-storage.s3.amazonaws.comThe school where he taught
Aug 8, 2017, 9:47 PM
Citation Linkjsonline.comArticle about the accusation against Christian
Aug 8, 2017, 9:57 PM
Citation Linknypost.comArticle on NYPost about his death
Aug 8, 2017, 10:09 PM
Citation Linkeveripedia-storage.s3.amazonaws.comThe high school he taught at was fairly diverse
Aug 8, 2017, 10:11 PM