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Charlie Guzman

Charlie Guzman

Charlie Guzman, Best known as his main character Dashie, or DashieXP, he is a YouTube comedian who creates comedy skits on his DashieXP channel as well as gaming commentary on his DashieGames channel. His DashieXP channel has earned over 1.6 million subscribers. He came up with the Dashie part of his YouTube name from a rap group he and some friends created previously. The XP part was derived from Windows XP software. He provides commentary on such games as Mortal Kombat, Happy Wheels, and Grand Theft Auto. He was born in the Dominican Republic and moved to Florida at the age of 8. He has a sister. He collaborates with fellow YouTube stars such as Peter Chao and Tpindell. [1]


Citation Linkfamousbirthdays.comProfile on Famous Birthdays
Feb 28, 2016, 10:38 AM