Chanty Binx (Big Red)
Chanty Binx (Big Red)
Chanty Binx spreading her message about Patriarchy
Chanty Binx, is a social justice warrior from Canada. Her internet notoriety eventually caused the nickname "Big Red" to stick, due to her menstrual-colored hair. Despite popular belief, Chanty has caused a number of internet stirs, outside of the Toronto MRA meeting. [1]
Gay Pride Event Encounters with Preacher
Making her point
In the summer of 2012, Chanty attended a gay pride parade in Toronto.
A street preacher, David Lynn of Christs Forgiveness Ministries, was their preaching his gospel when Chanty confronted him and berated him with insults.
The exchanged was captured on video and went viral online.
During the summer of 2013, Lynn was at the gay pride "zombie walk" in Toronto when he ran into Chanty again. Chanty admitted she went too far and had more of a civil discussion. from one year prior was at this event, and he had a rematch debate with Chanty. Yet her tone was still aggressive and essentially argued to Lynn that while the preacher had a constitutional right to be there, it was "not right" ethically for him to be there. Chanty's exact words were "if you don't like the event, don't go". [1]
University of Toronto MRA meeting

Triggered Meme
In April of 2013, a video of Chanty was upload on YouTube interrupting a Men's Rights rally at the University of Toronto. [1] In the video, Chanty is seen yelling at her adversaries to "shut the fuck up" and "listen" as she went down a list of how the Patriarchy was oppressive. The video is just over 12 minutes long and has over 1.4 million views as of April 2017. After the video was released, Chanty was subsequently turned into a meme and was given the name "Big Red." Chanty has become one of the prime examples of what is wrong with modern Feminism. In addition, she was doxxed by 4chan users and went into hiding after the