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Buyi Mao

Buyi Mao

Buyi Mao(毛不易),A famous Chinese pop singer,Born in tailai county, qiqihar city, heilongjiang province, China.

Formerly known as Weijia Wang,Graduated from hangzhou normal university nursing major.

In 2017, Buyi Mao won the national championship in the competition of "明日之子",a tencent's video talent show [1].

On September 1, the first personal music album "巨星不易工作室 No.1" was released [2].

On November 11, he released his original single, "项羽虞姬"[3],On December 28, he won the star award of tencent entertainment music [4].

Buyi Mao liked music very little [5].

When he was in junior high school, he changed his name to “Mao buyi”,.

The meaning is ordinary, unchanged [6].

He majored in nursing at hangzhou normal university.

Although he wanted to change his major, he needed to change his major, and his grades were mediocre, so he continued to study nursing.

During school, he also participated in the competition of the top ten singers on campus.

He also served as the "million voice pound" top ten singer final judges of the school of science of hangzhou normal university.

In 2016, he worked as an intern in a local hospital in hangzhou and became a trainee male nurse.

In the same year, he began to write and write songs, and he got the idea of self-learning guitar.

The first song he wrote was written for his married sister.



In 2017, participated in the competition of "明日之子", tencent's video talent show, and finally won the national finals with more than 14 million fans, and won the title of platinum record and "最强厂牌".

During the competition, he sang 14 original songs, including "sorrow" in the 24 hours and the first week of 100 million [8].

And won the top spot in the cool dog singles chart for three months.


Launched on September 1, solo music album "巨星不易工作室 No.1", features, including "像我这样的人", "消愁" and so on, the song, the album in the overseas each big music platform in succession, and new song studies on KKBOX recommended list, he formally overseas

On November 4th, He visited netease entertainment star interactive broadcasting column "娱乐新鲜派"; In the same year, participate in "明日之子2017全国巡回演唱会"; Later, he participated in the recording of "天天向上" on hunan satellite TV, which was his first TV variety show.

On November 11, the individual original single "项羽虞姬" was released.

He also performed the theme song "请记住我" for the Disney film “寻梦环游记”

On November 23, he received the best attitude of the year of netease to sing as singer of the year.

On December 3rd, we won the video star award of music new power award.

On December 18, "感觉自己是巨星", a promotional song for the movie “卧底巨星”, was officially launched.

On December 25, "无问", a promotional song for the film “无问西东”, was officially launched.

On December 28, tencent entertainment music star of the year award;

On December 31, participated in the annual concert of jiangsu satellite TV, singing "消愁".

On January 7, 2018, won the first golden sharks annual top 10 Internet nova award.

On January 11, He won the "heart" award of "heart" in the "heart of the night" of QQ interest group.

On January 18, the annual music new power award of weibo was awarded

On February 10, the solo single "不染" was released, and the theme song of the TV series "香蜜沉沉烬如霜"

On February 26, the song "浴火成诗", which was performed by diritherba for the TV series 烈火如歌", went online


Citation Linkeveripedia-storage.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.comMao Buyi
Apr 3, 2018, 9:59 AM
Citation Linkent.sina.com.cnMao buyi won the championship
Apr 3, 2018, 10:03 AM
Citation Linknews.yule.com.cnMao buyi overseas
Apr 3, 2018, 10:04 AM
Citation Linkent.163.com项羽虞姬
Apr 3, 2018, 10:05 AM
Citation Linkent.qq.com"Music star of the year"
Apr 3, 2018, 10:05 AM
Citation Linkent.qq.comHeilongjiang male nurse writes divine comedy.
Apr 3, 2018, 10:07 AM
Citation Linknews.my399.comMao buyi,The boy next door
Apr 3, 2018, 10:08 AM
Citation Linknews.163.com"Amateur star" Mao buyi
Apr 3, 2018, 10:08 AM
Citation Linkent.qq.comYou can't see the back of the superstar.
Apr 3, 2018, 10:09 AM
Citation Linknews.163.comFrom intern male nurse to new "superstar"
Apr 3, 2018, 10:09 AM