Brian Schear
Brian Schear
Brian Schear is a resident of Newport Beach, CA.
Schear is a graduate of Edison High School, Huntington Beach.
Schear is President of ConditionReports.Com,
a company which does vehicle condition reports. He
holds patents pertaining to the field. [6]
Personal Life
Schear is married to Brittany Schear. They were married in 2015. [3]The couple has 2 children.
Delta Airlines Incident
In May 2017, Schear and his family were kicked off a Delta Airlines flight from Maui to Los Angeles. The airline asked the Shears to hold their 1 year old in their lap since the flight was overbooked, even though the Schears had paid for the seat for another passenger who had gone home earlier. The Schears filmed the confrontation. [0]They were removed from the flight and threatened with jail time. They had to pay for a hotel room and another flight the next day.
The family was told: “You have to give up the seat or you’re going to jail, your wife is going to jail, and they’ll take your kids from you.”
Schear posted the video on Facebook and it went viral. Delta has since reached out to the Schears.