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Brendan Petry

Brendan Petry

Brendan Petry on the field

Brendan Petry on the field

Brendan Petry was a 16-year-old from Ashland, Massachusetts. [1]

Life and Activities

Brendan was a student at Ashland High School where he was involved in the school community. He was a member of their 2019 class. An athlete, Brendan played defense for Ashland's soccer team as well as competed in wrestling. Brendan is remembered for his sense of humor and for always being around for his friends and teammates.


On the evening of February 27th around 10:20 pm, Petry was walking on tracks of the Ashland commuter rail near the Fountain Street overpass when a train inbound to Worcester struck and killed him. Police are investigating the incident. Foul play is not suspected.


Citation Linkmetrowestdailynews.comArticle about the incident
Feb 28, 2017, 10:44 PM
Citation Linkfacebook.comBrendan Petry on Facebook
Feb 28, 2017, 10:52 PM
Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comBrendan Petry on the field
Feb 28, 2017, 10:56 PM
Citation Linkmaxpreps.comBrendan Petry on MaxPreps
Feb 28, 2017, 10:58 PM
Citation Linktwitter.comBrendan played defense for the Ashland soccer team
Feb 28, 2017, 11:16 PM