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Behnam Tabrizi

Behnam Tabrizi

Behnam Tabrizi is a global business consultant, best-selling author, and an award-winning teacher and scholar.

He is a Consulting Professor at Stanford University's Department of Management Science and Engineering, and an internationally recognized expert and thought leader on organizational and leadership transformation.

He has written five books on managing change and transformation, and as an advisor to many Fortune 500 companies, the U.S.

President, and governmental agencies, he has helped thousands of CEOs and leaders plan, mobilize, and implement transformational initiatives that have elevated organizational performance and created unprecedented results.

Dr. Tabrizi's research with McKinsey & Co. on more than 100 companies around the globe on "Accelerating Transformation" was featured in Forbes, the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Post, and the San Jose Mercury News as a pioneering work.

He also has also been interviewed by the BBC and C-SPAN regarding his recent work on transformation.

Dr. Tabrizi has served on the boards of Clever Sense (recently sold to Google), WebMBO (merged with Realm Corp.), Catapult Ventures, and has held positions at the Harvard Business School and the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

He is the Managing Director of Rapid Transformation, LLC based in Palo Alto, California.



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Jan 18, 2016, 9:50 PM