Caroline Dorey-Stein
Caroline Dorey-Stein
Beck Dorey-Stein is an Author and former White House staffer. [1]
Beck graduated from Wesleyan University. She graduated from Lower Merion High School.
Beck earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from Franklin and Marshall College in the Class of 2015. She was in Chi Omega and competed on the Varsity Track and field.
Caroline has primarily worked in Content development and writing.
While working at the White House, Caroline organized Press meetings with the Oval Office. Her assignment was to record everything the president said, type it up, and release the transcript to the press office and presidential archive.
White House Staffing
Beck Dorey-Stein authored a book called From the Corner of the Oval: A Memoir about her time working under President Obama in the White House.
Beck broke protocol when she had a "hot and heavy sexuaul relationship with one of Obama's senior staffers in hotel rooms."
She also spoke about thewidespread Ambien and Xanax used on the plane, and the many awkward sexual encounters.