Aura Bogado
Aura Bogado
Aura Bogado is an Investigative immigration Journalist for Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting, covering Immigration. Aura is also a blogger and a freelance writer. She has reported in Spanish and English from Mexico, Peru, Argentina, and the United States. Her work has been published in The Guardian, The American Prospect, Mother Jones (magazine), and among others publications.
Before Aura started to report for Reveal, she had worked in a number of places, serving under different capacities.
She was a staff writer at @Grist, where she wrote about the intersection of race and the environment.
She also was the news editor at Colorlines and a writer for The Nation where she covered a range of issues including Native American communities, immigration and community organizing.
As an investigative immigration reporter, Aura covers heart-wrenching stories that serve as a reminder to pay attention and ask critical questions.
She's been actively covering the U.S. immigration crisis from the secret opening of shelters to the detaining of immigrant children, including first-hand accounts such as her two-part series called "When they took my son."
Bogado was a founding member of the 33 1/3 Books Collective in Echo Park, and worked with Pacifica Radio for six years before returning to school.
A fluent speaker and writer of Spanish and English, she has reported domestically as well as from South America and Mexico.
Aura Bogado was born and raised in Argentina and in the US. She is based in Reveal’s Emeryville, California, office.
Bogado earned her Bachelor of Arts. from Yale University, majoring in American studies.
She also has a certificate in Indigenous rights and Policy from Columbia University
Social Media
Aura can be reached on twitter @aurabogado[1]
Some Articles By Aura Bogado
Celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day[2]
Fusion and Latino Media’s Race Problem[3]
California Just Got a Little Safer for Undocumented Residents[4]
Why Water Is One of the Biggest Threats to Women Trying to Cross the Border[5]
The ACLU Filed a Complaint Against Attorney General Jeff Sessions For Lying Under Oath[6]