Ashanti Hunter
Ashanti Hunter
Ashanti Hunter was a 32 year-old mother of three who was gunned down by her longtime boyfriend.
Personal Life and Activities
She is remembered as being an animated person and outspoken.
She loved fashion and often remodeled her hair in different styles.
On April 30th, 2017, as she tried to leave her home with her three children, her partner went after her.
She got inside the car and locked the door, she adjusted her youngest child in the backseat.
Her boyfriend, Albee Lewis Junior, ensued and shot at her and at the vehicle, instantly killing.
It has been reported that a total of six children in the area saw the shooting, three of the kids included her own.
She was a victim of domestic abuse, and she never told anyone.
She kept it a secret.
Her death has since become exemplary for women who are suffering and are in the same situation as Ashanti - keeping the abuse quiet.