Archimonde (WoW Server)
Archimonde (WoW Server)
Archimonde (US PvP) is a medium population server (also referred to as a realm) for the MMORPG, World of Warcraft. [0]The server was launched in 2004 and is one of many eligible servers for inbound Character Realm Transfers. [1]
The server came online on November 23, 2004, making it one of the first World of Warcraft realms.
It was also one of the four realms that needed to be taken offline for four days after the first night the game launched due to excessive character creation (which led to the obliteration of the player cap).
The estimated Alliance to Horde ratio is 42.2% Alliance and 57.6% Horde with 0.2% Unknown (most likely Neutral Pandaren), making it a relatively balanced server.
There are an estimated 310,027 characters on the Archimonde server, 66.4% of which are male characters and 33.6% of which are female characters.
The most popular Character Race on Archimonde is Blood Elf, accounting for 18.1% of the population.
The most popular Character Class on Archimonde is Hunter, accounting for 11.4% of the total population.
Name Origins
The Archimonde server is named after one of the three leaders of the Eredar, ruling his people on Argus alongside Kil'jaeden and Velen in peace and harmony.
Archimonde eagerly joined the fallen titan Sargeras who promised him knowledge, power and, most importantly, the answer to question "what is the one underlying flaw of the universe?", in exchange for loyalty.
While most Eredar, a knowledge-seeking race, joined the Burning Crusade because of their thirst for knowledge, Archimonde joined Sargeras for power.
Archimonde loyally served his master and the Burning Legion for thousands of years, though he was defeated during the Third War by the mortal armies.