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Araqueenbae "Ara"

Araqueenbae "Ara"

Araqueenbae (born 01/13/1994) is a public figure, entrepreneur and model.


Araqueenbae started her career at via instagram in 2011 when Instagram wasn't even a thing.

She didn't start taking it serious until early 2019.

Araqueenbae " Ara Queen bae " is an entrepreneur, model and artist that travels the world taking great content such as videos and pictures.

She is a well known public figure with over 600,000 Followers on Instagram.

She's been in some of the biggest media publications around the world.


Born in Tehran, Iran before moving to Canada at the age of 10, Ara Queen Bae’s upbringing played a large part in turning her into the entrepreneur and female success story she is today.


Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comAraqueenbae Drake and Chris Brown No Guidance Video
Apr 16, 2020, 10:05 PM