Ann Miura-Ko
Ann Miura-Ko
Ann Miura-Ko is a Founding Partner at Floodgate Fund a venture capital firm headquartered in Palo Alto, CA.
Her investment interests include innovations in ecommerce, security, and big data.
Mirua-Ko lives in Menlo Park, California and hails originally from neighboring Palo alto.
Miura-Ko holds a PhD in Quantitative Modeling of Computer Security from Stanford University, Class of 2010.
She is a graduate of Yale University, Class of 1998, where she majored in Electrical Engineering. She attended Palo Alto High School.
From 1998 to 2001, Miura-Ko was an Analyst at McKinsey & Company, where she was an expert on wireless internet. She was then an Analyst at Charles River Ventures.
She launched Floodgate Fund in May 2008 with Mike Maples Jr. It was originally named Maples Investments but was renamed Floodgate Fund in March 2010.
Her investments include Lyft and Refinery29.