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Anis Amri

Anis Amri

In a hat

In a hat

Anis Amri (1994 - December 23, 2016) was a Tunisian refugee who was wanted for his suspected involvement in a tractor trailer truck attack on a Christmas market in the 2016 Berlin attack. [1]His identification was found in the truck. He is in his early 20s. He is from Tataouine. [1]


The man behind the attack used a pistol to kill Polish lorry driver Lukasz Uran.

He then drove it into the Christmas market, killing 12 people and injuring many others.


Anis is a refugee who came to Germany earlier in 2016, gaining temporary permission to stay. [1] Security forces in Germany describe him as a highly dangerous individual who has received weapons training in the middle east. [1]

He also has links to Tunisian radical groups such as Ansar al-Sharia and Imam. [1]


His corpse

His corpse

On December 23, 2016, Amri was gunned down by Italian police officer, Luca Scatà in Milan, Italy. [5]

Air Strikes

Air Strikes were led as a result of research into his ISIS affiliation.

"Importantly, these strikes were directed against some of ISIL's external plotters, who were actively planning operations against our allies in Europe," outgoing Defense Secretary Ash Carter.


Officials have yet to confirm if the bomb raid killed plotters suspected of having direct ties to Amri.

It was not immediately revealed what the nature of those ties were, but sources speculated that the plotters were communicating with Amri over phone before the Christmas market attack.


Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook Stated "we've been watching them for some time," Cook said.

"These were groups of fighters who have been on the move.

They have not stayed in the same place for extended period of time.

And this was an opportunity that presented itself that we wanted to take advantage of."



Citation Linkm.facebook.comFacebook page
Dec 21, 2016, 1:22 PM
Citation Linkmetro.co.ukMetro article on the suspect
Dec 21, 2016, 1:01 PM
Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comPhoto
Dec 21, 2016, 1:06 PM
Citation Linkyoutube.comAftermath of the attack
Dec 21, 2016, 1:49 PM
Citation Linknydailynews.comHis information was used to bomb an ISIS camp in Libya.
Jan 24, 2017, 4:38 PM
Citation Linkwww.tgcom24.mediaset.itHe was gunned down
Dec 23, 2016, 11:39 AM
Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comAftermath of the attack
Dec 21, 2016, 1:49 PM