Adam Weiss (Ham on Everything)
Adam Weiss (Ham on Everything)
Adam Weiss is an American Entrepreneur and Promoter who started the entertainment company HAM on Everything.
Being interviewed
Adam was born in Chicago and moved to Los Angeles when he was a 1-year-old.
His father was a DJ and was a disco dj in Chicago.
His father started one of the first video stores in the country in Chicago and after it closed, moved to Westwood.
His father was the Vice President of a production company.
Growing up, Adam a bad kid and enjoyed getting in trouble.
In 4th grade, he smoked his first cigarette.
The first hip-hop tape he listened to was Beastie Boyz Liscence to Ill.
A theme in his life was not wanting to be himself.
Listened to Gangsta rap and used drugs as a way of escaping himself.
Didn't want to be a Jew from the suburbs.
In 6th grade, he moved to Phoenix, Arizona. He smoked weed in middle school. In 8th grade, he lost his virginity. In 9th grade, he would drink and smoke before school. He would hang out with gangbangers who were older than him. He started smoke meth at a party when he was in 10th grade and was smoking it only a daily basis. In 10th grade, he and a friend were busted for credit card fraud and forgery. According to Adam's lawyer, it was his friend who snitched on him. After he received probation, Adam decided not to hang around that group on people anymore and started to chill with other friends who were more into raves a psychedelics. He began to drop acid on a regularly basis and started smoking weed again. He started do meth again. [undefined]
Before his senior year, he moved to Thousand Oaks, California and attended Century High School but would later drop out. During this time, Adam quit meth again and stuck to smoking weed and taking psychedelics. He was not affiliated with gangs and hung out with different people. One day. a confidant of his asked he had ever done meth and asked if he wanted some. Adam was smoking meth and crack again. At this point Adam was ingesting any drug he could get his hand on and would sniff glade if he didn't have any. When his parents found out he was taking drugs, they kicked him out of their house. Adam was now living with Jimmy in his truck and would shower at Jimmy's girlfriend's house. Gradually, Jimmy became schezophrenic and started to go crazy. [undefined]
In 2001, when he was 20, he moved to Arizona with his brother.
Adam would baby sat their kid and would get a job at Del Taco.
He was only smoking weed.
Jimmy got arrested not long after he left.
After things were going well, his brother's sister would kick him out of the house after finding his weed.
Adam would return to California and move into an apartment.
Things were going well until his neighbors who happened to be meth dealers moved over.
Curious, Adam went to meet them and he started smoking meth once again.
After becoming addicted, Adam would lose his power and get evicted, causing him to move back with his parents.
Through his high school and post high school years, Adam would have as what he described to be delusions of becoming a rapper.
When he moved back to Cali, his friends were involved in hip-hop.
Soon after he moved, he realized his neighbors sold meth and began to chill and smoke with them.
His life began to deteriorate again and he had to move back with his parents.
Once his parents found out he was using meth again they kicked Adam out and he began a phase of his life being in and out of jail.
At one point, he was living in his car in a Denny's parking lot.
He was arrested and was sent to county for 90 days.
In 2009, Adam was arrested 5 times for DUIs and drug possession.
Although Adam was not smoking meth, he was drinking excessively and would occasionally do coke.
The last time he was in prison, he was in for 90 days.
While in jail, Adam started to make of list of when to drink.
A turning point was when Adam started to read the AA book in jail and realized that he was an addict.
When he read Teenage Suit for the Soul, he read the friendship section and realized that he had been a "piece of shit" his entire life.
After reading it, he cried and realized he needed to change.
Last time he did drugs was February 5th, 2009.
A;though he was clean, Adam began throwing hipster art house parties in 2010.
In 2012, he switched to having underground parties for ignorant rap, and from that HAM on Everything cam into existence and is a staple in the LA party scene.