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Steppenwolf: The X-Creatures Project

Steppenwolf: The X-Creatures Project

Steppenwolf: The X-Creatures Project is an online adventure game created by Warner Bros. Studios and Sarbakan. In Steppenwolf, you play as either Alan Kane/Steppenwolf himself, a scientist who lives in the jungle, or Meg Crimson, a reporter who works for the Daily Tribune. The main plot of the game is to solve the mystery between the disappearance of Steppenwolf's wife and the plot behind the actions of Donovan, while collecting samples of blood from the X-Creatures (mythical creatures, such as the Yeti, Kraken, etc.) The game consists of 6 chapters, with 4 episodes in each chapter.

Chapter 1: The Mokele Mbembe,

Chapter 2: The Yeti,

Chapter 3: The Heruka,

Chapter 4: The Kraken,

Chapter 5: The Chupakabra,

Chapter 6: The Heruka pt.2,


The Mokele Mbembe

The game starts off in the a newspaper company called the Daily Tribute, in the office of McAlistair who is the boss of Meg, a reporter for the "World Geographical Magazine".

Meg, rushing in, tells McAlistair that she was quitting her job, until he mentions her next assignment, which was to become a host of a geographical project surrounding mythical creatures, the first assignment being to search for the Mokele Mbembe, and find the mysterious "Steppenwolf", a paleo-biologist and a self-proclaimed expert in the study of mythical animals, who resides in the African Jungles.

Hearing this, Meg accepts and decides to keep her job.

After she leaves, McAlistair reaches for his phone, and says "It's all coming according to plan", which might indicate that it was all a set up.

Meg meets a veteran cameraman by the name of Derek Murphy, her assistant, on the way to Kisangani Harbor.

While on a barge making their way up the Congo River, Meg and her crew are ambushed by natives.

Meg and Derek manage to abandon ship, but before they could escape, they are knocked out by sleeping powder thrown by the natives.

Meg wakes up in the tribal village a few moments after, however, Derek is nowhere to be seen.

With the help of a prisoner, Meg learns that the queen of the tribe plans to sacrifice Derek, and manages to escape the natives without him.

Derek, blindfolded, is later shown held captive.

When his blindfold is removed, Derek sees the Queen wielding a knife.

In the distance, Meg hears his scream, and disembarks the boat to find him.

Searching the swamps and marshlands, Meg discovers what appears to be a sacred tree altar, and shortly after, meets a blonde man with long hair and tattoos nearby, who tells her to remain silent.

He throws Meg aside, and Meg is about to question him, but is silenced by the sudden approach of the Mokele Mbembe.

Derek is then seen tied up on top of a tree, and it becomes clear that the tribe plans to sacrifice him to the Mokele Mbembe.

Steppenwolf makes his way into the jungle, luring the Mokele Mbemebe with him, while Meg frees Derek.

Steppenwolf knocks the Mokele Mbembe out with a soporific potion.

Derek is seen injecting a syringe into the monster after it was knocked out, collecting a sample of its blood, and at this point it is revealed that the blonde man is Steppenwolf.

Derek leaves the sample in the hole of a tree, and later, the captain is shown collecting the blood sample, which shows that there is much more going in than simply just the project.

The Yeti

McAlistair sends Meg and Derek to Tibet in search for the Yeti, which is the second assignment.

On the phone, Meg tells McAlistair that she was unable to convince Steppenwolf to cooperate, and hangs up.

McAlistair is seen in his office talking with a white, bald man in a tuxedo, saying that they may have to call this whole "masquerade" off.

The white man says that it does not matter, as "Mr. Donovan" has anticipated the turn of events, and was time to move to "Phase Two".

Meg and Derek are seen on a train.

The train stops, and Meg starts to complain about the train stopping for the fifth time, until a Himalayan guard approaches them, and knocks them out.

Meg, tied up, awakes to find herself in the back of a truck with Derek.

A Himalayan drags Derek out of the truck, and through a hole in the truck, Meg witnesses Derek being shot, and is presumably dead.

Using a broken shard of glass, Meg cuts herself free, and using a truck, escapes (yet again) from the Hilamayan guards, but not before discovering (from a set of documents) that the Himalayans were ordered to capture her alive.

Meg drives to a nearby Tibetan temple, where she unexpectedly finds Steppenwolf among the crowd of monks inside.

Meg asks Steppenwolf why he was here, Steppenwolf, pointing to the incoming group of Himalayans behind Meg, replies that he was "curious to see how far you could go, which won't be very far at all, unless you could find a way to get rid of those guys".

Meg escapes from the temple with the monks, while Steppenwolf goes to the shrine to find out the location of the Yeti.

Avoiding the guards, Steppenwolf then escapes through the gates of the monastery, while Meg and the monks make their way up a mountain.

Later, Steppenwolf is seen climbing up the mountain, when he sees a helicopter take off.

Steppenwolf makes his way to a nearby village, avoiding the helicopter and killing a few guards on the way.

It is then shown in a cutscene that Meg is held hostage, and Derek, who is in fact not dead, is the person behind the kidnapping.

Steppenwolf: "Bastard!

I know the Donovan Corporation is pulling your strings, puppet man!

The only thing that I can't figure out, is why'd they pick an amateur like you for the X-Creatures project!"

Derek: "Huh?

Oh, the X...what?"

Steppenwolf: "Oh, lemme guess, they didn't even tell you?

Huh, that's typical."

An enraged Derek threatens Steppenwolf to lead them to the Yeti.

Steppenwolf does so, and Derek then sends in two guards to get the Yeti's blood.

A few moments later, screams and roaring can be heard inside the cave of the Yeti.

Derek then orders Steppenwolf to get the blood sample, or Meg will be killed.

Steppenwolf ventures into the ice cave, and by blocking entrances in the cave, he corners the Yeti, and blinds him temporarily with a camera flash.

This caused the Yeti to send rocks falling down, and one of them knocks the Yeti out.

Steppenwolf proceeds to take the blood sample, and exits the cave.

Derek plans to kill both Meg and Steppenwolf, until he finds out that there was no blood sample in the bag that Derek had given him (Steppenwolf had taken the Yeti's blood with him).

The Yeti, who had recovered, lifts Derek up from behind, and he screams.

Steppenwolf and Meg flee from the mountain as the Yeti kills Derek.

The Heruka

The chapter begins with Steppenwolf and Meg speaking back at the monastery, recuperating from the events of the last chapter.

Steppenwolf explains to her why Donovan got her mixed up in the X-creatures project, and what the X-creatures project is.

He tells her how old Edward Donovan had started the project in pursuit of an extended lifespan, though he's been dead for years.

His son, Reggie, however, took interest in the project, and there has been trouble since.

The project itself deals with the science of cryptozoology, or the study of creatures that seem to outlive their own species, and the project leader, Dr. Shelley Thompson, believed the X-creatures had some sort of longevity gene.

Meg expresses a desire to talk to her, but Steppenwolf explains that she died in a plane crash.

Steppenwolf then explains that the Donovan Corporation had shut down the X-creatures project, but Reggie started it back up again, and he wondered why.

Meg then has the idea of asking McAlistair.

Meg, back in the company, confronts McAlistair about the X-Creatures Project, and he reveals that he was forced by Donovan to do so.

She demands that he tells her everything he knows, and he agrees, but while they're in an elevator heading to his office, the Albino, Donovan's personal hitman, takes out the power to the elevator and shoots into the elevator, wounding McAlistair.

Meg gets them both out of the elevator, and McAlistair painfully tells Meg that everything she needs to know is in the red drawer of his office.

Meg then takes a key off of his body and goes to his office, being hunted by the Albino the whole time, and finds a tape in the red drawer.

After incapacitating the Albino by electrocuting him and stealing his keycard, she finds out (From the tape) that McAlistair hid all his records about the X-creatures project in a safe, which she finds and opens.

She finds therein a roster of the scientists working on the X-creatures project and a mini disc.

Meanwhile, Steppenwolf is going to the Antarctic base where the research end of the X-creatures project was situated.

Steppenwolf has a friend fly him nearby, and commandeers a frost jet (like a jet-powered snowmobile) to get the rest of the way.

He proceeds to break into the lab, where he runs into a beast which is discovered to be an ape named Eruka, one of Shelley Thompson's experiments.

He traps the beast in a box and dumps it into a vat, finding a tape soon thereafter, wherein he discovers that Shelley had figured out a way for the human body to absorb the 5 mutagenic genes they had isolated so far in a process she called OSIRIS, which stands for Osmosis of Irregular Inner Systems, which would be further explained in a tape labeled 8/05.

But when Steppenwolf found the case, there was no tape inside!

While this is happening, Meg is visiting what appears to be the only surviving scientist that worked on the X-creatures project, Octavio Sanchez.

He tells her that the mini disc she found is the code key to the archive vault in Donovan Corporation's Houston base.

After breaking through the layers of security therein, she finds the computer room, where she inserts the disc and, through a clever use of the 2 computers there and the tic-tac-toe program they have installed, she finds out about the nature of the X-creatures project, about the "Heruka Incident," and about Shelley Thompson Kane, wife of Alan Kane a.k.a.

Steppenwolf, reported missing since the Heruka incident.

It is then revealed that Donovan knows she was there as a wall moves to reveal Donovan's office, inside of which is the Albino and a bloodied Dr. Sanchez.

Donovan says that he's surprised she'd made it that far, as few had, and said that Dr. Kane chooses his associates well.

She says that the public must know of his actions, and he replies that they will, in due time, but he could do without media hype at the moment, and says that he could use her skills as a reporter to report on one "X-creatures project" and that he'd make her an offer she, "...just cannot afford to refuse."

Meanwhile, Steppenwolf delves deeper into the base, looking for clues as to what happened.

After smashing through a door, he finds that a white beast similar to the ape beast from before had killed and was eating all of the scientists.

After trapping it and stunning it with light, he manages to tranquilize it with a tranquilizer gun one of the corpses had.

Donovan then appears with Meg in tow and a couple of guards and greets Steppenwolf, discussing how the beast was Shelley Thompson, which Steppenwolf had figured out upon examining the body and finding her wedding ring on its finger.

Steppenwolf asks about the plane crash thing, and Reggie explains that his father had wanted to save him the shock.

Steppenwolf then brings up the missing tape, which Donovan says he has, and, while it's not pretty, it did entail an antidote to the "change," which Shelley had recorded before she injected herself with the mutagenic serum, but didn't have time to prepare before her brain degraded too far.

He further explains how she then became violent, wrecking the whole place, including the X-creature blood samples needed for the antidote, which is her only chance at "redemption."

The Kraken

Reggie was explaining to Captain Lockman about how they failed to get the Kraken to get some of its blood.

He then reveals Olaff Hargover is in hostage by a group of villains.

Soon, at Norway, Lockman lets Steppenwolf go and keeps Meg hostage.

After Meg knocks him out with a pile of dead fish, she goes to the other side of the ship and goes into Olaff's workshop and sees a submarine with a curtain.

After removing the curtain from the sub, it is revealed that a bomb is on the sub.

After putting the bomb on a speed boat and exploding at a far distance, a girl named Oola enters the workshop.

She said that her father is in hostage by a group of villains now known as the Dagger League.

Meanwhile, we see a man driving Steppenwolf to Olaff's house.

The man drops Steppenwolf next to the house.

As Steppenwolf enters the house, the house is wrecked and Olaff is seen tied up on the sofa with his left leg missing.

He told Steppenwolf to look out.

But it was too late.

A member of the Dagger League has knocked out Steppenwolf out and tied him up on a chair.

Fortunately, a dagger was near Steppenwolf and he grabs it with his legs and he unties himself and unties Olaff.

There were about three of four Dagger League members.

Olaff told Steppenwolf to get him artificial leg so they can all escape.

After he crushes the first Dagger League member with a shelve with books, Steppenwolf finds Olaff's artificial leg upstairs on the bed and as he swings on a chandelier and gets back and he fixes Olaff's left leg by using the mechanical leg and he has a new leg.

After Steppenwolf has killed the second Dagger League member, he and Olaff escape from the house.

They then see a skylift that will take them to the other side for safety, but the path is broken.

However, Steppenwolf jumps over the holes and he uses a big mallet and smashes the outside wall of the building where a piece of the wall falls and covers one of the holes and this makes Olaff safely cross over.

As they cross over, two Dagger League members try to kill them by breaking the wires for the lifter to fall.

However, Steppenwolf has managed to get the lifter to safety.

They head to the oil works and as they enter the workshop, they find Meg and Oola.

Oola told her father to put down his project hold for a while, because she said it is becoming far too dangerous.

Olaff said to his daughter that the project is exactly what the Dagger League want.

But the Dagger League don't realize that Olaff has a got a bone to stick [ clarification needed ] with the "creature from hell".

Soon, Olaff, Steppenwolf, and Meg are at an oil works fixing the submarine now known as Deep Blue.

As Meg watches them leave in Deep Blue, the Dagger League has came [ clarification needed ] and attack her.

After the Dagger League members are defeated (one accidentally slips on oil and falls to his death in the ocean, one is hit by the big hook while getting distracted by the smoke coming out of the wrecked pipe, one is locked inside the building when Meg threw a wrench inside the working area and the member followed the noise, and the other one was crushed to death by the barrels of oil), Meg then went after the leader.

As she knocks out the leader with a rag with chloroform, she removes the mask, revealing to be Oola.

She ties up Oola and asks why was she being with the Dagger League.

Oola said the Kraken is a "secret that won't be revealed" and Oola also said that she and the Dagger League took care of Deep Blue and it is "too late" for Steppenwolf.

Oola said that Steppenwolf will go very deep into the ocean and will "stay" there.

Suddenly, a helicopter arrives and reveals the Captain Lockman has arrived.

Meanwhile, under the deep ocean in the submarine carrier, Olaff tells Steppenwolf to be careful with the submarine, because he spent years building the damn thing.

As Steppenwolf gets into the submarine, the propulsion mechanism is broken, but Olaff told him that it should be working, because he tested it three days ago.

Steppenwolf then finds the Kraken's tentacle.

He scares it away by using a flagpole that broke the giant sharp rocks.

Steppenwolf then scares it away when the submarine landed on the crumbled platform, which was destroyed and landed on a big part of a sunken ship which scared the Kraken away.

Steppenwolf then uses a mine and attaches it on a grid and when the Kraken touched the mine, the mine exploded and scared the beast away.

Steppenwolf then uses a torpedo bomb and drops it in the trench which touches a lava tube which exploded and the lava tube shot out lava which scared away the Kraken in its home.

Steppenwolf uses a net and captures three angler fish and they light up the inside of the Kraken's home, revealing the monster.

He also blocks the hole with the net to prevent the angler fish from escaping.

Steppenwolf uses a winch and attaches it on a small stalagtite.

He was ready to battle the Kraken, but the electric stunners were empty.

Steppenwolf finds a cannon and takes it.

He goes back above the trench and finds a small sunken ship and bashes it with the cannon and finds a lot of working electric charges.

He brings the electric charges and heads back down to the Kraken's home.

The submarine grabs the winch and he swings and throws three charges in the Kraken's mouth, stunning it.

Steppenwolf then uses the syringe and collects some of its blood (however, the longer Steppenwolf waits, the Kraken will recover).

As Steppenwolf leaves the trench, he uses lifeboat and floats up into the submarine carrier.

Olaff and Steppenwolf get out of the sea and head back to the oil works and find Meg sitting next to Captain Lockman and Oola.

Olaff was shocked of his daughter being the leader of the Dagger League.

Lockman then tells everyone to stop the meeting.

Steppenwolf then shows Lockman the Kraken's blood and he said that he could get the job faster without Lockman.

Lockman said it doesn't matter and said that Reggie Donovan is waiting for their "little treasure".

The Chupakabra

At Borneo Thailand, Reggie is seen in his lair, while he's taunting Shelly (who is still in her Heruka form) who is in a cage.

Albino and Octavio arrive and Octavio has reported Reggie about the Chupacabra (spelled "Chupakabra" in the game) in Puerto Rico.

Reggie forces Octavio to take Meg and Steppenwolf to Puerto Rico to get a blood sample from the Chupacabra.

Octavio soon arrives at Puerto Rico with Meg and Steppenwolf.

Octavio tells them to be careful by an evil group of villains called "the Cult".

Soon, Meg and Steppenwolf have stayed in a house and are seen at the balcony seeing a very nice view.

Steppenwolf then had to leave for a while to see if Octavio has returned from his meeting at the Hotel Santo.

Before going to the hotel, he knockes on several doors on houses, but the Puerto Rican villagers won't let him inside, because the Chupacabra is out there.

Steppenwolf then head to the Hotel Santo.

He enters one of the rooms and finds a scared man.

He tells Steppenwolf to leave, because the Chupacabra apparently attacked Octavio at the other room.

However he goes to the other room where Octavio is stabbed, not bitten and is badly wounded.

He calls Meg for help to get here as soon as possible.

Suddenly, Steppenwolf finds the man running in the hall.

Steppenwolf has realized man attacked Octavio.

After he leaves the hotel and breaks into the house, he finds the same person who was running into the hallway at the hotel.

The man blocks Steppenwolf's path and tries to stab him with a dagger.

Steppenwolf uses plates to hit the man.

Steppenwolf then used a trash can lid and runs into the man who crashes into some of the glass objects and the objects breaks into sharp pieces and the wounded thief runs for his life.

Steppenwolf chases the man while he finds the man's trail of blood.

Steppenwolf goes into the sewer (thieves are blocking his path at the buildings and rats are blocking the sewers, until he scares them off with flames) and finds himself leading to the beach.

Steppenwolf then finds a symbol where a cult has been.

He uses the dagger into the doorway.

As the secret door opens, Steppenwolf enters and he falls into a trapdoor.

He falls into a cage and accidentally smashed his communicator that was on his left glove.

He suddenly sees the Chupacabra growling at him.

Meanwhile, back at the Santio Hotel, Meg and a doctor are giving aid to Octavio.

Meg said that Steppenwolf isn't answering his calls, but she'll find him.

As Meg leaves the hotel, a boy named Pedro then spotted her.

He asks if she seen the Chupacabra.

Meg said yes and asked how did he knew.

Pedro said that a local farmer's goats were killed by the monster and its tracks are still fresh.

He said he will take her to the area.

As they reached there, the farmer told the two to leave, because he said there was "nothing" to see here.

Meg needs to get inside to see what the farmer's hiding and Pedro will attract the farmer's attention by throwing rocks.

After Pedro distracted the farmer, Meg gets inside and locks one of the Dobermen in a car.

When Meg reached to the garden, she noticed dead goats with the same cult symbol on them and with a dagger next to them.

However, the farmer noticed his dog locked in the car and the gate leading to dead goats is open.

He releases his dog and tries to find Meg, but she keeps hiding in the tall grass.

Meg then trapped the dog in a box.

She then reaches to a farm and the farmer follows her.

When Meg got in, the farmer was searching for her.

Meg distracted him by running a lot of water and she climbs up a ladder where it leads to another room.

Meg then finds a note that says *"Now, you know what happens to those who refused to cooperate.

Don't bother asking for help; you won't get it, and you never know when you'll be asking one of us.

We're everywhere.

So, from now on, do exactly what we say, and don't whisper a word to anyone - or next time, it won't be your livestock lying shredded in a pool of blood and gore."* There was also a drop of blood on the note.

Back at Donovan's lair, his nurse putting cosmetic on his face.

He said that he was having enough of the disgusting concoctions.

The nurse tells him to quit moving or she'll mess up his "beautiful" face.

We see Reggie has some slight wrinkles on himself and a red spot on his forehead.

He tells the nurse that he'll only accept orders from a babe like her if she gets a little closer to him and he chuckles.

The nurse laughs with joy.

Donovan told Albino to ask if a man can have some fun, but maybe not.

Albino feels a bit nervous and clears his throat.

Donovan then told Albino that he doesn't trust Octavio and tells him to go to Puerto Rico to keep a close eye on their team.

As Meg arrives out of the farmer's home, she noticed Pedro is kidnapped by the Cult and Pedro's dog noticed Pedro's hat on the ground.

As Meg and the dog reached to the Cult's lair, she told the dog to stay.

Meg soon finds Alan in a hanging cage.

After Meg managed to get Steppenwolf out of the cage, the Chupacabra appears and chases them out of its lair.

It was soon night time and Pedro is seen bond in chains and the Cult pour goat's blood on him to lure the Chupacabra.

Back at the Santio Hotel, Octavio is alseep, but is waken up by Albino.

He tells Octavio to come with him and find Steppenwolf and Meg to see if they've got the beast's blood.

Soon, the Cult leave and get on their boat and head to the lighthouse.

Meg and Crimzon soon find Pedro.

Steppenwolf has realized that the Cult are using Pedro in goat's blood to get killed by the Chupacabra.

Back at the lighthouse, the leader of the Cult uses a whistle and summons the beast.

Steppenwolf soon leaves and finds a dead goat with a gourd of blood.

Steppenwolf will use it to keep the beast from attacking Meg.

Steppenwolf managed to kill one of the members of the Cult by hanging him with a rope and releases it and it caused the baddy to land on his head.

After Steppenwolf frees Pedro, he went to stop the rest of the Cult at the lighthouse.

As he reached there, he triggers the wooden platform by tying a rope on a wooden pole and moves fast on the speedboat which caused the second member to fall into the ocean and drown.

Steppenwolf climbs to get into the lighthouse and the leader saw him and summons the Chupacabra.

Steppenwolf quickly throws the sack of blood at the leader and the Chupacabra appears and kills the leader and knocks him into the ocean.

The leader drops the whistle and Steppenwolf takes it with him.

He heads to Cult's ship and uses a fishing net and connects it on two masts and he summons the beast to get close to him.

The Chupacabra flies into the net and gets trapped.

Steppenwolf used a syringe and takes some of the Chupacabra's blood.

Steppenwolf destroys the whistle and he frees the Chupacabra and now with the whistle destroyed, the Cult won't be able to control the beast anymore.

As Steppenwolf arrived back, Pendro's mother appeared and became so worried and asked her son what he was doing here, because she was looking everywhere for him.

As she takes her son back home, Steppenwolf and Meg seem to have a crush on each other.

Meg blushes and asked what will happen after they all have the samples (the Mokele Mbembe, the Yeti, the Kraken, and the Chupacabra).

Steppenwolf said that he doesn't want to think about it right now.

Meg said that she doesn't care either.

Steppenwolf and Meg close their eyes and bring their faces closer to kiss each other.

Just as they were about to kiss, a jeep arrives with Octavio and Albino.

Albino asks if Steppenwolf has the sample.

Steppenwolf reveals the blood and Albino tells them to get in the jeep, because Donovan is very anxious to resume the X-Creatures Project.

The Heruka pt.2

Back at the Donovan Corporation, Steppenwolf, Meg, Octavio, and Reggie are at the lab with the Heruka strained to get her back to Shelly's old form.

Octavio told Reggie to perform a few more tests, before they will change her back.

However, Reggie refuses and mocks them that Shelly will become "worse than she already is".

Reggie said he has waited long enough and told Octavio to get on with it.

Octavio uses a syringe and injects the serum into the Heruka.

The serum then appears to be working.

The Heruka transforms back into Shelly.

However, as she changed back, she's bald and has blue blood veins everywhere in her body.

Steppenwolf and Meg become shocked that the creature is Shelly.

However, the heart monitor has revealed something terrible.

Octavio was afraid that it might happen: the initial transformation has caused too much damage.

He is sorry that he said that he doesn't think she's going to make it.

Reggie then mocks them by saying "from the creature emerges the creator".

Steppenwolf became very angry as he punches Reggie in the face so hard.

Steppenwolf calls Reggie a bastard and yells at him for forcing Shelly to do this to herself.

Suddenly, as Reggie got back up, there were huge cracks all over his face (which was the cosmetic that dried on his face).

Meg then became frightened and angry as she told Reggie what was he hiding behind that "mask".

Steppenwolf then told Reggie what kind of monster is he.

Reggie becomes very angry and tells both of them to shut up.

He said he's seen enough of them and tells his minions to get rid of them.

Steppenwolf and Meg run out of the lab and avoid the gunshots made by the minions.

Steppenwolf told Meg to stay and he'll deal with the guards to get to the helicopter.

After Steppenwolf killed the three guards, he and Meg rushed to the helicopter, but the Albino and two guards arrive and they shoot the flying helicopter and it falls next to a dam.

However, both have survived and they found a passageway at the dam where it will help them get off the island.

Steppenwolf and Meg soon find a guard at the dam.

Steppenwolf distracted the guard by throwing a distress flare at the controllers.

As the guard extinguishes the fire, Steppenwolf sneaks behind him and kills the guard with a single punch in the face.

Steppenwolf presses a button which makes a platform for Meg to cross over the chasm.

Steppenwolf told Meg to hide here and said he'll clear the way to get them off the island.

Suddenly, the Albino appears and chases Steppenwolf.

Steppenwolf heads to one of the holes with huge running water and he gets out of their and grabs a vine and climbs.

He then takes the vine and ties it on a rock.

Steppenwolf then climbs on a thick branch and finds a closed passage.

Steppenwolf calls Meg to open the passage.

After she opens the passage, Steppenwolf enters and sees the Albino.

The assassin accidentally shot an electric box, which cause the damaged wires to have electricity coming out.

Steppenwolf uses the rock and liana on a pipe and swings and kicks the Albino as he drops his gun into the chasm of water.

He jumps on Steppenwolf to strangle him, but he uses a distress flare and the Albino backs away.

However, he doesn't give up.

The Albino takes a huge pipe and tries to impale him.

Steppenwolf, however, ducks and the Albino accidentally sticks the pipe into the electric box and gets electrocuted by the high voltage and he falls to his death into the giant drain, putting an end on him once and for all.

However, two of the guards have kidnapped Meg.

They take her to Reggie and Octavio.

We now see that Reggie no longer has dry cosmetic cracks on his face, but he has huge wrinkles all over his face with brown spots and wrapped with band aids.

Octavio quietly takes the PDA.

Reggie tells his guards to kill Meg if she tries to escape again.

Reggie tells everyone to leave and now he has his "little treasure/baby", which is a syringe that has a serum combined with the Mokele Mbembe, the Yeti, the Kraken, and the Chupacabra's blood.

Octavio tells him to wait a while, but Donovan refuses and forces Octavio to leave, unless if he cares to become the next X-Creature.

Octavio quickly leaves.

Now that Donovan has all the samples, he mixes them to create a mutation serum and puts it in a syringe and he will make himself a monster.

Meanwhile at the dam, we see Steppenwolf on his communicator with Octavio.

Octavio explains that he needs to find a cell with Shelly locked up in it, before it's too late.

After Steppenwolf escapes on a speed boat, he heads to a rain forest.

Steppenwolf has killed the two guards and distracted an unfriendly orangutan with a walkie talkie (with Captain Lockman speaking).

Steppenwolf creates a bomb and uses it on blocking rocks where it explodes and destroys the rocks.

Steppenwolf heads to the cell and as he enters there, he sees Shelly in bed.

Shelly awakes and asked him where has he been.

Steppenwolf told Shelly how many times he pictured the moment.

Shelly asked how was the project going.

Steppenwolf said it was a complete success and the OSIRIS affect works.

He told her that she was right.

But sadly, the initial transformation inside her is starting to harm her.

Steppenwolf becomes worried as Shelly reacts from the pain.

She sadly dies from the damage as Steppenwolf closes her eyes and mouth, becoming upset that his wife has died.

Steppenwolf then looks at the screen and becoming very angry for what Reggie has done.

Back at the Donovan Corporation, Meg is in a cell and Octavio arrives with food for her.

Octavio explains that Donovan has locked himself in the lab hours ago and completely lost his mind.

Meg was hoping that she will never see Reggie's face again.

Octavio said that he has never seen Reggie looking so strange.

He also said that Reggie has deep wrinkles in his face that look like Werner syndrome, a rare disease that causes premature aging.

The guard tells Octavio to leave, because Reggie doesn't seem to feel too good.

Meg then found her PDA under the plate of food.

He then talks to Octavio.

He tells her that he taken the liberty to record the message on her PDA.

He tells her to check her email from time to time.

After Meg, tricked the guard for opening the cell, she electrocutes him with the gun the guard dropped.

After Meg, killed two more guards, she climbs down to the electric power controller and cuts the white wires.

The steel door opens, revealing the cryogenic genetic chamber.

After she escaped the cold nitrogen strings, she finds the dead body of Edward Donovan in a cryogenic bed.

After, distracting a machine with some cockroaches, she uses a bazooka and loads it with a rocket and destroys it.

She then cuts the locked chamber of the submarine with a blow torch, she presses a button and activates the launching exploding missiles that will last 19 minutes.

Meg quickly leaves the submarine and she finds Octavio on a ship.

He gets her on board.

Meg then tries to call Steppenwolf on the PDA, but his communicator was damaged.

Back at the Donovan Corporation, we see Steppenwolf fixing his communicator.

However, back at the lab, Reggie has injected himself with serum mixed with the x-creatures' bloods.

Reggie becomes bald and begins to grow spikes on his back.

He continues to mutate and his hands now have four sharp claws on each hand, his face changes into a horrible green creature, he grows a long tail, his feet grows two nasty foot claws, his skin turns completely green, his eyes become scary and white with no pupils, his nose becomes reptilian-like, and his teeth become yellow and sharp.

Reggie has became a Heruka.

His guards become terrified to see his new looks.

Reggie then glares at his guards and he kills them.

Back outside at the ship, Meg is trying to get Steppenwolf to answer the damned call on the PDA, but the PDA ran out of batteries.

Octavio then told something he forgot to mention, he set explosive charges around the access passage.

Not only Steppenwolf has to get away from them, he'll have to get away from the compound as possible.

Back at the lab, we see Steppenwolf is pushed by someone.

It was the mutated Reggie who is now a monster and tries to kill Alan.

After Steppenwolf finds the chemical bombs with the telescope, he uses them on the doors to shoot the rockets and the main radar that controls the cannons that are automatic.

After the radar was destroyed, Steppenwolf can use the rocket blasters to kill Reggie.

However, if Steppenwolf uses two traps and blasts him, Reggie will survive and destroy the cannons.

The last trap and cannon will finally kill Reggie, leaving his decapitated head.

Here are the quotes that Alan is going to say after he kills Reggie with any traps that are the last ones:

(electric trap) Steppenwolf: "Game set and match, bastard!"

(pylon trap) Steppenwolf: "Time to go see your daddy at hell!"

(smoke trap) Steppenwolf: "It's been a pleasure, you son of a bitch!"

However, the missiles from the submarine have launched and destroys the Donovan Corporation.

Meg and Octavio are on their ship, watching the explosion.

Octavio said that he hopes that Steppenwolf managed to get out in time.

Meg was sure he did and said that the man has more lives than a cat.

Meg then says her last lines: "I will see you again, Dr. Kane." At the last moment, we see the ship leaving and we see Steppenwolf has got out in time and he watches Meg and Octavio leaving on their ship.



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