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Sara Thornton (weather forecaster)

Sara Thornton (weather forecaster)

Sara Thornton is an English broadcast journalist and weather presenter.

Born in Yorkshire, she was raised in the United States, returning to England to study for her A Levels. After a university education, she studied for a post-graduate diploma in Broadcast Journalism, and then joined the BBC as a trainee news reporter. Posted to BBC East, she then joined ITV Anglia region as a news reporter.

In 2002, she retrained as weather presenter on ITV Anglia.

During this period, she made a test broadcast in which she swore, which was inadvertently broadcast by producers.

After marriage and moving to Brussels and then Washington D.C. she joined the weather team at BBC North East and Cumbria where she spent one year, following which she joined BBC South. Thornton spent time providing relief weather cover for other BBC nations and regions from BBC Television Centre alongside occasional bulletins for nearby BBC London News then joining the BBC Weather Hub team for the South and East. Thornton is currently providing maternity weather cover for BBC Look East at their Norwich studio generally presenting forecasts on Tuesday to Thursday evenings whilst also presenting some forecasts for the weather hub at BBC Broadcasting House Hub.

Married to former BBC journalist Jack Izzard, the couple have two children.


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Jul 14, 2016, 1:39 AM
Citation Linkthisislondon.co.uk"Weather girl turns the air blue"
Jul 14, 2016, 1:39 AM
Citation Linkbbc.co.uk"Sara Thornton"
Jul 14, 2016, 1:39 AM
Citation Linkcambridge-news.co.ukhttp://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/TV-rivals-married/story-22470440-detail/story.html
Jul 14, 2016, 1:39 AM
Citation Linknews.bbc.co.ukBio at BBC Weather
Dec 2, 2017, 7:09 PM