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LEd (formerly LaTeX Editor) is a TeX and LaTeX editing software working under Microsoft Windows. It is a freeware product.

LEd offers a project manager, powerful editor, integrated spellchecker and thesaurus, build-in DVI viewer, descriptive hints for LaTeX commands, code complete mechanism, word wrapping, code folding, multilingual environment, and more.

Nevertheless, LaTeX Editor is a small program.

Initial releaseJanuary 21, 2005
Preview release
Operating systemWindows 95and later

System requirements

LEd works on Windows® 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP/2003 operating systems.

LEd's capabilities vary according to the operating system used, e.g., Visual Styles from Windows® XP.

It, however, works with almost full functionality also on Windows® 95.

The recommended system configuration is:

  1. 333 MHz processor,

  2. 64 MB RAM,

  3. 4 MB of disk space for the standard edition + space for projects (space occupation depends on the spellchecking and thesaurus dictionaries),

  4. Windows® 2000/XP/2003 operating system.

Compatible TeX distributions

LEd can be used with any TeX distribution, however its full functionality is available with a distribution based on TeXLive or MiKTeX. LEd has been tested to work correctly with:

  1. TeXLive 6,

  2. TeXLive 7,

  3. TeXLive 2003,

  4. TeXLive 2004,

  5. TeXLive 2005,

  6. MiKTeX 2.4,

  7. MiKTeX 2.5.


LaTeX Editor (LEd) and all add-ons published at http://www.latexeditor.org [1] are a copyrighted software.

All rights are retained by LEd's authors: Sebastian Deorowicz and Adam Skórczyński or authors of packages distributed together with LEd.

LaTeX Editor is free software.

You can redistribute it and/or modify it, but it should always carry a notice that it is a version of LaTeX Editor.

See also

  • Comparison of TeX editors


Citation Linkwww.latexeditor.orgOfficial website
Sep 27, 2019, 10:03 PM
Citation Linklatexeditor.orglatexeditor.org
Sep 27, 2019, 10:03 PM
Citation Linken.wikipedia.orgThe original version of this page is from Wikipedia, you can edit the page right here on Everipedia.Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.Additional terms may apply.See everipedia.org/everipedia-termsfor further details.Images/media credited individually (click the icon for details).
Sep 27, 2019, 10:03 PM